How many members of AAW visit SMC Forums?

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  1. Mark Greenbaum
    Mark Greenbaum
    Again, I apologize for not checking this forum much lately. I have not been turning very much lately, I've been busy building a full extension drawer setup to retrofit a tiny pantry closet.
  2. Rick Brantley
    Rick Brantley
    I have been learning from and helped by posts on SMC for a long time. Live in Wisconsin and have settled into making lidded vessels like memorial urns and Beads Of Courage jars. Figured out how to make threaded brass inserts the way I need them and sell those to sorta support my sawdust addiction.
  3. Patrick Morris IV
    Patrick Morris IV
    Just a note, check the AAW website for an announcement about scholarship opportunities that will be available too current AAW members.
Results 11 to 13 of 13
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