Food Safe Wax Formula
, 07-20-2008 at 12:07 AM (12860 Views)
Someone asked me about my food safe formula for the bowls I've been doing. I thought I'd just put it up here in my blog.
It is really quite simple.
First thing I do is take the wooden bowl and rub in Mineral Oil or my preferred method of Walnut Oil.
After allowing that to soak in and dry I use this formula:
12 oz of Mineral Oil
2 oz of bee's wax
1/2 oz of Carnuba wax
I melt all of that over a medium heat in a metal bowl that is sitting on boiling/hot water. I then poor that into a Wide mouth Mason Jar.
Now, this is a mix that gives me a medium dense paste. Some may prefer softer and some may prefer a harder wax. All you need to do is to soften is to add more mineral Oil.... to harden... don't use as much mineral oil.