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Walt Caza

the thumbnail history of Arts & Crafts opener:

Rating: 4 votes, 3.75 average.
There is already too much written about the intriguing Arts & Crafts movement, and by better authors.
I only intend to recap the parts which affect furniture design.

My sources for this quickie A&C history will be:

Mission Furniture you can build by Wagner

WOOD magazine A&C furniture

Pop WW A&C furniture projects

A&C furniture by Howard

In the Craftsman Style by Fine WW

Authentic A&C furniture projects by Pop WW

Craftsman Furniture projects by WW Journal

Pop Mechanics Mission Furniture l,ll,lll

Gustav Stickley Craftsman furniture catalogs

Shop Drawings for Craftsman Furniture by
Creeker Robert W. Lang

Articles from The Craftsman edited by
Gustav Stickley -Dover

The Furniture of Gustav Stickley by

and Wikipedia (credibility ?!?)

Let's take a look at where the notion came from...


  1. Ben Davis's Avatar
    These blog entries are great to read and add another dimension to your Morris Chair thread. Keep going if you can with these!
  2. Jim Rimmer's Avatar
    I'm just learning my way around the blogs and have posted one of my own. I see yours have been up since '08 and not many comments. I guess you get a little discouraged. I don't know if anyone has even read mine. I guess Creekers tend to read the daily posts and not the blogs.