Glenn, I had the wrong number. Correct model number is 113.29901.
This thread may help. Besides Grandpa's 1950 Emerson I had a 1970's "113." contractor. I added a decent fence, PALs, machined pulleys and a link belt. I also wrapped a 90# bag of Redi-crete in plastic and tossed it in the base for ballast. Emerson Saw.jpg
I could get the blade very well aligned at 90 degrees but, as with nearly all contractor format saws, bevel cuts were a challenge. I made a lot of nice stuff on that saw. As I branched out in what I was making, the limitations became more troublesome. I could do operations that the tablesaw was challenged with by using the router table and hand tools. As will happen, a good deal came along on another saw. I upgraded to a hybrid that came with a commercial Biesemeyer fence, cabinet mounted trunnions, etc., and was able to get wonderful, burn-free bevel cuts at any angle I desired. Fortune stepped in again and I upgraded to a 240 volt, 3HP, cabinet saw . . . sort of the entry level for an actual cabinet saw. Had this not happened I would probably still be using the hybrid. As a matter of fact, I am using it right now while I am between shops.
The 1950's saw I still have is a big step up from the 1970's saw in mass and build quality. I plan to use it as a crosscut station as mentioned in the "revival" thread linked above. You will have to judge if your 1960's machine is a keeper or a stepping stone. This decision can sometimes take years. If you can't make that decision right now I would continue to improve your saw, get some use out of it for a while with the free service of gaining experience as to what will and will not work for you going forward. Consider any upgrades now as a price of admission to the learning game. I am not implying you are inexperienced. I am saying that you may need some hours on your current saw to make up your mind whether it is a keeper or a step toward something else. Enjoy.