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Ben Arnott

My Shakashima Media Cabinet Conclusion Part 2

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Before fastening on the top, I applied finish to everything - the cabinet, the shelves and the top. I rubbed on two coats of shellac, sanding with 220 grit lightly between each coat. Then I applied an oil/ urethane by hand, sanding with 220 between each coat. After the second coat of oil/urethane, I attached the top and applied the third coat. Once dry, I buffed the finish out with 0000 steel wool, installed the door knobs and hung the adjustable shelves.

Here's the finished project. I'm pleased with it, considering it was my third piece of furniture and my first design. I made a lot of mistakes! I had to cut a few pieces twice (even three times on one!) With each piece of furniture, I continue to try to improve my craftsmanship. I plan to build some other pieces with similar lines to create a Shakashima Collection.

I hope you enjoyed this photo essay. It was fun putting it together and sharing it with everyone. Thanks!


MC0U8560.jpg MC0U8562.jpg

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MC0U8598.jpg MC0U8575.jpg

MC0U8599.jpg MC0U8574.jpg

Updated 01-28-2011 at 1:23 PM by Ben Arnott



  1. bill schmoott's Avatar
    Third piece of furniture. WoW! You obviously have more than just a knack for WWing. A huge part of the key to producing something, IMO, is having the dimensions of the individual components correct. And by correct, I mean it just looks pleasing to the eye. I call it "dimensionally stable". I am not really sure what that phrase means, it just came to me one day.. And then second the choice of materials. I will have to say you have hit both of these on the head. Ben, this piece has staying power. Congrats and look forward to seeing some matching mini Shakashima end tables or bedroom furniture.
  2. Prashun Patel's Avatar
    I love the coves. This is really something to aspire to. Thanks for posting!
  3. Simon Cole's Avatar
    Very nice inspiring
  4. Steve Horvath's Avatar
    Just happen to be going through the blog and came across this piece made by you, it looks great and I would be proud if some day I could come close to your perfection. The piece is pleasing to look at and the wood is beuatiful. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Ben Arnott's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Horvath
    Just happen to be going through the blog and came across this piece made by you, it looks great and I would be proud if some day I could come close to your perfection. The piece is pleasing to look at and the wood is beuatiful. Thanks for sharing.
    Steve, I haven't been on the forum in a few months. I just read your comment, and wanted to thank you for the kind words.