Conversation Between bill schmoott and Ben Arnott

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the comments on the wood stuff. I have made a few things over the years, mostly out of necessity and an unwillingness to pay money for junk in stores. As you can see, I never really thought about style, or anything like that. I have never had a set of plans for anything I have built. I just go well I need this and it should be about this high by this wide and look like this.

    Funny you should mention that dresser. The dresser you commented on I built in my garage about 10 years ago...4/4 walnut and 4/4 cedar drawer bottoms. It looks rough now, I have literally beat that thing to death. The lacquer finish I put on it has fogged over the years and there are a lot of scratches in the finish. It looked totally different when I first fished it. No Plans. I am going to re-finish it soon and was actually going to ask you what type of finish you thought may look good on it.
    So have you decided on a next project?
  2. Bill, I took a peek at your coffee table. I posted some comments, but I wanted to say it looks fantastic! Nice job, man.
  3. Hey Ben, I am still trying to figure out how this site works. I uploaded some pics of a little coffee table I made for my girlfriend today. Take a look. I also posted in the new projects forum.... Have a good one.
  4. Hey Ben, yeah, I know what you mean about building something different. Although if you are in it to sell, someone who sees the set will more likely take it.

    Me, Woodworking's coming along slow. I put it down for a few years and just now getting back to it. Had a wreck and broke my back in December and started back to occupy my time. Cant get around real well.
    I do mostly furniture, tables, cabinets.etc.. I like the Shaker, but everything I make seems to end up having some kind of "Modern" aspect to it. Dont know why, Im not real fond of the modern stuff. Hope to have my girlfriends Vday coffee table done this weekend, once again, modern looking but thats what she wanted. Will take a few shots of it and some of the other kindling I have kept around.
  5. hey Ben, saw your unveiling post on the Shak. table. I had a feeling it would be a big hit. Congrats on the sale (s). Do you have any plans to do any bedroom furniture in this style? I have been looking at this and think you could quickly sell some end tables and coffee tables, or whatever else you produced. Its a great design. Great work
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