Conversation Between Doug Weiner and Patrick McCarthy

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Dear Bertha, I am sorry for your loss. Like many here on the creek, even though we never have the pleasure to meet in person, personalities are revealed in posts and comments. Doug always seemed so nice and considerate. So much so that i could not begrudge him when he bought some tool before i even saw that it had been posted in the classifieds. I always thought it was pretty sweet that his avatar photo was of the 2 of you, which is very unusual here and, therefore, all the more commendable. I have no magic words to offer; the most i can hope is that the pain of his passing will eventually be replaced with a smile as the warm memories of your time together overcome the current emptiness from his loss.
    Most sincerely, Patrick McCarthy - - a fellow traveler trying to make sense out of our earthly journey.
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