Conversation Between Matthew Laurence and Leigh Betsch

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Sorry for a late reply, I haven't been around here much lately. I build a Veritas shooting board so I am out of the market right now. Good luck.
  2. Hey Leigh,

    So I just saw your message after I came here to put up a listing to sell something. And I just saw on your messages that you said you would like to buy a number 52 Stanley shootIng Board. I literally posted to sell mine right before I read your last message.

    If you are still looking to get one, you can call or text me at 6092761971

  3. Hi, I saw you are looking for a shooting plane. I don’t know what your budget is, but I have something you might be interested in. Full disclosure, we are talking in the 4 digit range. I have a VERY NICE, like all original, no damage/missing parts, 98% original japanning No 51 and 52 Stanley Plane and Board. Scary expensive as I paid a small fortune for it, but could use the money. I don’t know if you are looking to spend enough to get a decent used car, but if you are, let me know.
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