Conversation Between Vic Harris and Michael Kowalczyk

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey Vic,
    One box of 3mm and UPS Shipping and handling is $57.47 to a Commercial building and $60.40 to a residential house. Let me know what your Paypal address is and I can send you a request. These are in stock and ready to ship.
  2. Hi Vic,
    A box of B/BB 3mm Baltic/Russian Birch plywood, cut it to about 11.75"+- by 23.75"+- and sell it in boxes of 25 sheets (approx. 50sqft) is only $45.00 plus UPS shipping.
    I will get you the shipping info on Tuesday. Is it being shipped to a house or a commercial building? We use Paypal for secure transactions.

  3. Hi Michael,
    Looking for pricing for area code 65536, in advance thank you.
    Vic Harris
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