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  • Recent Forum Posts

    Ronald Blue

    Help with low motor power on table saw

    Do you have any other tools running on 240 volts currently? Just to confirm that you have two separate phases. It sounds like you do if you measured 239

    Ronald Blue Today, 9:43 AM Go to last post
    George Yetka

    Carving Edges. Need Bit

    This would be done in steps. I think you would need multiple bits to accomplish this. I would profile to max LOC then I would use a 1/2" ball to

    George Yetka Today, 9:39 AM Go to last post
    Peter Mich

    Troubleshoot my milk paint technique

    Did you try rubbing the surface with burlap or a mirka mirlon pad to smooth things out in between coats? That worked for me when I used Real Milk Paint

    Peter Mich Today, 9:38 AM Go to last post
    Jimmy Harris

    PM 1500 or Laguna 18BX Bandsaw?

    I agree with this. Your old Meber maxes out at what? 1" blade? For resawing, the thicker the blade, the better. The Laguna 18bx will go up to

    Jimmy Harris Today, 9:33 AM Go to last post
    Alan Rutherford


    We have one. In fact I just used it to call our cell provider tech support. Cell service is miserable here. Neighbors with house phones by cable lose

    Alan Rutherford Today, 9:18 AM Go to last post