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  1. Choice is torment

    Agonizing over the best way to do something is not my best attribute. After finishing the drawer carcass, I had to decide on the intermediate top treatment. when designing the piece, I drew it as being walnut with a thin, tapered edge. while working on the carcass I had started to wonder whether the walnut upper cabinet corners (mimicking legs) would be set off better from the top if the top was maple, trimmed in walnut.


    After talking with ...
  2. Refinement, the dilemma

    When I am constructing a project I look for elements of refinement along the way. This can be a good thing or bad thing depending upon what is discovered. LOML is an artist / silversmith, so I ask for her opinion along the way. I don't always take it but it allows me a sounding board to consider a design. For the base, I had a very clear idea of what I wanted to accomplish. When it came to the box (carcass) I also knew the fundamental idea, but augmentation raised an ugly question, "how did ...
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  3. Progress on the cabinet, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the process

    I started my blog on the aspects of design and the creative process. Here is a recap of what and why I am doing this:
    "There was a spirited discussion in the design forum around using sketchup vs drawing by hand. I am a proponent of designing by hand, so if something else works for you, do it. First, I should explain that I never use anyone else's plans unless I am taking a class. I am not trying to espouse that you should design this way or that this way is the best, but merely that this
  4. Van Husky riddle

    Quote Originally Posted by Belinda Williamson View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul McGaha View Post
    I think I know that part, Louisiana and South Carolina.
    Bingo! He's a part timer in each state. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's Louisana but it could be Lower Alabama.

    It's Louisiana, I've read of him mentioning it before.

  5. May 16, 2012

    i need to start posting here more often, kind of like a diary so i know what i did and when would be nice to look back at.

    but i got a part for my scroll saw and its been working really good but i would like to send it in to get serviced and tuned up.
    it was used a lot before i got it and im using it a good amount so a freshening up would be nice.

    i have been doing more scrolling then other types of woodworking and i enjoy it a lot. made some small toy cars last winter ...
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