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  1. I Can't leave well enough alone - Part 1-1/2

    (Continued) After the fit is good, The leaves are glued in. After they dry, I scrape off the paper.

    Placing Ebony.jpgCut Ebony.jpgInlay Prior to Scraping.jpg

    I then cleaned up the surface and shot the edges. A Coat of BLO and let to dry overnight.

    Shooting Edges.jpgCoat of BLO.jpg

    Now I need to figure out what to do with the panel. I'm thinking I will re-saw it and make it a door for a ...
  2. I can't leave well enough alone - Part 1

    I am down to the part I have been dreading, the inlay. I have always liked the Japanese Brush and Ink Drawings. I travel with a sketchbook, brushes and pens. I found I was interested in this type of motif could be added to a cabinet. Here is a concept sketch.

    Brush and Ink.jpg

    I then spent a bit of time scaling this and composing it on the box.


    So, I thought I would do a practice panel to ensure I was ...
  3. Details, details, details...

    Well the end seems in sight now. I have a coat of finish on the legs. I also fastened the top handle. So next it was mortising of the hasps and then fashioning the attachment plate.

    I cut the mortises for the hasps. I rough out with my Dremel set up for inlay and then pared carefully with a chisel to my layout lines. After mortising, I put a coat of finish down to avoid getting finish on the hasps. I had cast the hasps last fall from bronze. That was a bit frustrating as twice I cracked ...
  4. Progress on the Collector's box

    I haven't posted on the blog for a while. Between work, travel and a few intervening projects (Guitar, Table, Shoe rack, etc…) I hadn't made much progress recently on the stand. I did cast the hasps and fabricated the pins last fall but didn't take pictures. Well, I sourced the walnut leg material and found some nice straight grained thick QS stock for the legs and started the fabrication.
    I worked up the basic design in Sketchup to explore my ideas. I ...
  5. Wood Turners Finish?

    Shaun.. That's exact it. I want the grain pop of oil but the clairity of a water base/lacquer. I have the WTF on hand so...
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