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  1. Who planted the seed which bloomed into Arts & Crafts?

    The Arts & Crafts movement was started independantly by two Englishmen in the late 1800’s.

    John Ruskin was an author, poet, social critic and an art professor at Oxford.
    He put forth the idea that it would benefit society to move away from factory sweatshops and their mass produced shoddy goods, towards hand crafted high quality goods. His philosophy expressed a desire to return to craftsman working within the medieval guild system for the benefit of workers and society. ...

    Updated 06-07-2008 at 8:35 PM by Walt Caza

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  2. Part blessing and part curse

    As of today I am retired, not by design the doctor laid some permanent restrictions on me that made it impossible to perform my job. Since there were no other positions available, I had no choice. Since my 'retirement' check is soo small I will have to try to find something that fits with my restrictions that will provide my income. Life goes on.
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