Glenn, I came across your most recent reply this morning after I logged in to check on a thread I created related to another vintage Craftsman power tool (1965 RAS) that I am upgrading. Thank you for your comments and guidance. I had a tech person from the Highland Workworker store in Altanta tell me the same thing, in letting my experience and imrovement in skill level be my guide to whether or not to updgrade to another saw. If I ever do, the Saw Stop brand is hard to be if I can offord it. In regard to the Craftsman table saw, I have a Shop Fox W1410 rip fence on order from Grizzley Tools, whenever it arrives from China. The trunnions on the saw have a 3 bolt attachment and when I put a dial indicator on the blade body to check for parallelism to the miter groove it was when tolerence so I didn't install the PALS that I had purchased. Do you think it would be benefitical to still do so?