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Building a 4 Spindle/3 Axis CNC Machine Router

  1. Having recently lost my mother...

    by , 10-16-2009 at 10:13 PM (Building a 4 Spindle/3 Axis CNC Machine Router)
    For all woodworkers, the day comes that you are asked to make something that you have either never made before, or, the thought of making it sends chills up your spine.

    My day and my never made before project came about a month after my mother passed away.

    A former employee came to our shop and asked us if we could make a cremation urn. His father had passed away the day before and he wanted us to make the urn rather than buying one from somewhere else.

    Updated 10-16-2009 at 10:40 PM by Guy Mathews

  2. A Phone Call to Probotix

    by , 10-02-2009 at 7:09 PM (Building a 4 Spindle/3 Axis CNC Machine Router)
    Over the last few days I was thinking about a statement a fellow made to me in regards to the Smart Motors from Animatics. A company in my area is working with us on some other projects within our company for automating a few processes and they are a reseller for these Smart Motors.

    The comment that got me thinking about other options was in relation to the proprietary aspect of the Smart Motors. If a Smart Motor goes bad, you are forced to deal with them and pay their price. If a ...

    Updated 10-04-2009 at 11:26 AM by Guy Mathews

  3. My First Setback...

    by , 09-25-2009 at 11:07 PM (Building a 4 Spindle/3 Axis CNC Machine Router)
    Well it had to happen. Although, I did not expect it to happen on the first day.

    Let me explain. In my over-ambitious lust for a new project, I ignored the first rule of carpentry. "Measure twice, cut once." While I never got as far as the cutting stage before I realized a potentiel disaster, I will admit, for a couple of hours, I was at a loss on how to solve the dilema that unfolded as I drifted off to sleep.

    In my rush to get the MDF base glued up, I neglected ...

    Updated 09-25-2009 at 11:10 PM by Guy Mathews

  4. Making the base.

    by , 09-22-2009 at 4:40 PM (Building a 4 Spindle/3 Axis CNC Machine Router)
    I realize that not everyone is fortunate enough to work in a shop where you have just about anything you could want tool-wise.

    That being said, I felt it was important to outline the steps that I will be using to make this project. As each step is completed, I will, with the help of other Creekers offer tips and suggestions to achieve the same results with different tools and skill levels.

    Since the base is about the most important aspect of any CNC machine I have ...

    Updated 09-22-2009 at 4:50 PM by Guy Mathews

  5. Building a 4 Spindle/3 Axis CNC Router

    by , 09-22-2009 at 10:06 AM (Building a 4 Spindle/3 Axis CNC Machine Router)
    Well here we go boys and girls. I have decided to take the plunge and build my own CNC Router. Bare with me through the coming months as I post my successes and my failures here.

    My plans are to adapt the best features from the 3 existing machines that we have in our shop to custom build a small CNC Router to cut custom small pieces in wood and plastic.

    Updated 09-22-2009 at 10:09 AM by Guy Mathews
