ken gibbs

  1. Need some suggestions for drilling Plexiglas

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Phelps View Post
    It's best to know if it's cast or extruded before drilling. You can use Rick's method for best results on either. Cell cast acrylic is much more heat tolerable. When using regular wood working drills and saws, extruded acrylic will melt and leave a rough edge. This is much more noticable when using drills and jig saws. When ever I'm forced to use a hole saw on extruded acrylic, I will make several plunges, about 1/16" with the drill press, allowing a little cooling time between cuts. I also
  2. Advice for a New Mantle Piece

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Bolton View Post
    This was the option I would suggest "if" you can open up the wall and gain access to the studs. I would not be too comfortable trusting the mantle to a lag in the stud face to not sag or pull out over time. The bigger the lag, the less stud there will be there to hold it. The way we have done these is to fabricate a steel plate or yoke that lags/bolts into the sides of the stud with a 1" steel pipe projecting out to be embedded into the mantle. The plate/yoke allows you to bear more