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Jon Lanier

  1. Food Safe Wax Formula

    Someone asked me about my food safe formula for the bowls I've been doing. I thought I'd just put it up here in my blog.

    It is really quite simple.

    First thing I do is take the wooden bowl and rub in Mineral Oil or my preferred method of Walnut Oil.

    After allowing that to soak in and dry I use this formula:

    12 oz of Mineral Oil
    2 oz of bee's wax
    1/2 oz of Carnuba wax

    I melt all of that over a medium heat in a metal bowl
  2. Swirl Inlay W/Table Saw Jig

    Here is a tutorial on the "Swirl" inlay that I use, but with a twist, this time I made a little jig for the table saw.

    As you can see it is a small simple sled. I then took the sled and marked a line of what I thought would be a good angle for most pen blanks. I don't know what the exact angle is... I just eye balled it. It is more than 45 degree's of that I'm sure of.

    I measure
  3. Swirl Inlay Tutorial

    Really simple. This is one of those ‘looks way harder’ than it really is moments.

    Here is the blank being cut (Atlas/Patriot/Polaris). I stop the blade just a little before half way. It is at a 45 degree angle. And I have a stop block to ensure the segments are going to be even all the way around. Although I imagine you could vary the segment up and down the blank.

    You will notice that, because I like my fingers I don’t cut the blank to size until the swirl ...
  4. Segmented Pen (Part 3)

    (part 3 of 3)

    From this point treat the blank as you would any other pen blank. Here you can see the blank has been put on the mandrel/lathe and has started the turning process.

    After sanding and putting on a cyanacrylic (CA) finish and buffing… Here is the final ...
  5. Segmented Pen (Part 2)

    (Part 2 of 3)

    The next step is to cut some dark wood strips for the spacers. Just make sure you cut them long enough to cover the angle length on the sections you just cut from the checker board blank. This is what you end up with:

    The one thing I do is to make sure to sand off any chips and splinters off the sections.

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