View Full Version : I'm Famous!

Dave Richards
06-17-2004, 11:32 AM
Or not. I did get an idea published in ShopNotes though so that was kinda cool. Back when I was working on the cradle boat I needed a bunch of lightweight clamps with a deep reach. I couldn't find any to buy so I made my own. I sent the idea to the ShopNotes folks and I guess they thought it was alright. Or else they needed some filler for the issue. That's probably it. :rolleyes:

Aaron Koehl
06-17-2004, 11:38 AM
Well, congrats! How about reproducing it here? ;)

Steve Beadle
06-17-2004, 11:38 AM
Okay, so now your new nickname is "Deep Throat," right? :)

Dave Richards
06-17-2004, 11:51 AM
This is Deep Throat ;) Aaron, check this: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=6803 It was already done a long time ago. :D

Wes Bischel
06-17-2004, 1:44 PM

I saw the clamp in ShopNotes and thought it looked familiar - just couldn't remember where I saw it first! Thanks for sharing - twice now.


Daniel Rabinovitz
06-17-2004, 2:07 PM
Congratulations, nice design for the clamps.
Daniel :cool:

Dave Richards
06-17-2004, 2:09 PM
Thanks guys.

FWIW, my design called for the clamps to be made of 1/2" Baltic Birch ply instead of hardwood as called out in the article. That way the dadoes could be cut in larger pieces and then glued up before cutting the jaws to shape.

Jerry Olexa
06-17-2004, 3:45 PM
You're going to have to hire an AGENT now that you have National published exposure in a major publication!! Move over, Brad Pitt!! Seriously, good job!!

Dave Richards
06-17-2004, 4:01 PM
I dunno. An agent? How much does that cost? I bet that would use up the dollar three 98 I got for the tip pretty fast. :eek:

Tyler Howell
06-17-2004, 4:51 PM
I shook his hand! :eek: I touched his saw dust!:eek:

Steve Clardy
06-17-2004, 8:11 PM
I shook his hand! :eek: I touched his saw dust!:eek:
Cool clamp there Deep Throat. lol. I'll save the drawing and build some at some future time.
Thanks, Steve

Todd Burch
06-17-2004, 8:38 PM
OK Dave. Give credit where credit is due. Just call me your motivation for obtaining fame (but probably no fortune!!)

Dale Thompson
06-17-2004, 10:01 PM
GREAT DESIGN!! However, the presence of genius makes me VERY nervous!! ;) Congratulations, guy, you certainly deserve the recognition! :) :)

Dale T.

Dave Richards
06-18-2004, 10:02 AM
Thank you all. You are giving me much more praise than I deserve. (I rather have the money. ;) ) Tood, I couldn't have done it without your prodding. Dale, there are a lot of geniuses here but I don't think I'm one of them. The clamp design like a lot of things grew out of a need. You know what they say. "Mother is the necessity of invention." :D