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View Full Version : Glue glass togeather?

Gene Hobbs
12-25-2008, 11:47 AM
Hello Everyone Hope your all having a Merry Christmas. I have a small problem. I have a customer that has ordered 35 glass plates, which is good. But the glass base they sent with them are separate. I was wondering what would be the best stuff to use to bond to pieces of glass together.

Thanks in advance

Rags Alan Ragland
12-25-2008, 12:20 PM
Try Crystal to crystal glue item #111G2.
It is cured by UV light and holds very strong
www.glt.com (http://www.glt.com)
Dr. Rags

David Epperson
12-25-2008, 12:23 PM
I once had a chemistry set that had this as one of the "experiments". If I remember correctly it was Sodium Silicate Solution that was used to form a glass bond between the two other pieces.

Lisa Walter
12-25-2008, 12:46 PM
I once had a chemistry set that had this as one of the "experiments". If I remember correctly it was Sodium Silicate Solution that was used to form a glass bond between the two other pieces.

Holy cow you remember that from a chemistry set you had?!?!? Now here is a real test........what is you and your wife's anniversary?!?! Hee hee


Tom Bull
12-25-2008, 12:55 PM
When cured on clean glass the glass will fail first.

Frank Townend
12-25-2008, 1:32 PM
I think it is Q L T vs. G L T

This link may help: http://www.qlt.com/store/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=111G2&Category_Code=111MA&Product_Count=7


For affixing crystal to crystal. Mainly for attaching bases to crystal body. A little goes a long way. Just a drop or two needed. One bottle good for affixing approximately 500 bases to crystal.

Jason Roehl
12-25-2008, 1:33 PM

My guess is that pretty much any thin, anaerobic glue will work. You could probably even use the glue kits for re-attaching rear-view mirrors to your windshield.

David Epperson
12-25-2008, 8:27 PM
Holy cow you remember that from a chemistry set you had?!?!? Now here is a real test........what is you and your wife's anniversary?!?! Hee hee

In 23 years, I haven't forgotten that one yet either. :D

Bill Cunningham
12-27-2008, 5:54 PM
I once had a chemistry set that had this as one of the "experiments". If I remember correctly it was Sodium Silicate Solution that was used to form a glass bond between the two other pieces.

I remember that stuff from my chemistry set too.. If I remember right, after you opened the bottle two or three times, a little got on the glass under the metal screw top, and you never got it open again.. ha.. I also remember that most of the stuff you got in your set, would NEVER be found in a chemistry set today.. Mine had a experiment for making your own black powder.., and a little jewler loop thingy filled with radium, that you stuck real close to your eye in the dark, and could see the radioactive flashes:eek: