View Full Version : Last Minute Hollow Form

Alan Trout
12-24-2008, 6:26 PM
Here are a few pics of a last minute hollow form. I started it on my mini a couple of months ago but it got moved to the side when I started building my stand for my DVR. I was short of presents so I decided yesterday to finish this on my DVR. It is going to my sister in law. It is about 5"x5" and scary thin. Not that I intended to do that, it was just the way this one went. Of course it is spalted flame Boxelder. Sprayed with several coats of lacquer and then wet sanded to 2000 and left at that. I like the feel and the soft almost polished glow that it leaves. I guess I have a thing for the Indian shape post.

Again sorry for the poor photos. You know last minute.

Merry Christmas


Steve Schlumpf
12-24-2008, 6:53 PM
Alan - I hope your sister-in-law appreciates what she is getting! That is beautiful! Amazing wood, great form and finish! Very nice work Alan! Thanks for sharing!

Merry Christmas!

Chris Rae
12-24-2008, 7:05 PM
Awesome grain and color in that, and beautiful form. She should love it!

Richard Madison
12-24-2008, 8:59 PM
Beautiful piece indeed. Very much resembles native American pottery in look as well as shape.

Bernie Weishapl
12-24-2008, 9:11 PM
Alan that is a beautiful HF. She is going to love it. Really rich colors and spalting.

Bill Bolen
12-24-2008, 9:33 PM
Looks like SIL is going to have a very Merry Christmas!! Gorgeous piec of wood and a great form and finish too...Bill..

Tom Wilson66
12-24-2008, 10:17 PM
Beautiful job, Allan. Haven't done any hollowforms yet, but I hope I can do that well someday. Question on box elder, do the colors in the wood last, or do they fade out over time? I know most woods change color due to oxidation and uv from light, but don't know if this is true for the colors showing in this piece.

Jon Lanier
12-24-2008, 10:25 PM
wow, wow, wow, and really wow!

Alan Trout
12-24-2008, 11:09 PM
The color in the Boxelder seems to stay pretty well. I have not seen it fade. I am not really sure what causes the coloration. If it is minerals or disease or something else.

Thanks for all the kind comments. I will find out how she likes it later.


Christopher K. Hartley
12-25-2008, 6:10 AM
Beautiful work Alan. I really love the form and the wood, well that goes without saying. Great job.:)

alex carey
12-25-2008, 7:14 AM
I absolutely love it. The grain is awesome and I think you did a wonderful job on the shape. Great work