View Full Version : Air Cleaner in Garage???

Gilbert Vega
12-24-2008, 1:58 AM
I am considering buying either a Delta 50-875, JDS 750 ER or Powermatic PM1200 air cleaner for my 2 car garage/shop.
First, I work mostly with the garage door open so I ask whether having the air cleaner is a waste of money.

Secon, After I finish working and bring my truck in, dust in the air settles on it and gets it dusty. I would imagine that the air cleaner would help with this problem.

Third, which air cleaner, of the 3 I listed would you recommend?

Shawn Christ
12-24-2008, 9:13 AM
Looks like people are sleeping in this morning, Gilbert...

I'm probably not the best to respond, and can't speak to any of the commercial models you've mentioned, but I can tell you my solution.

I worked in a 1.5-car garage for about 5 years before moving to a basement shop. I routinely had the door open, but still wanted to try to control dust. My solution was a 20" box fan with a furnace air filter attached to it. It was cheap, portable, and did an admirable job. I didn't have much trouble with dust settling on the car when I brought it back in, but dust still got everywhere in the garage. I still do this occasionally when I need to bring the filter to my cut or sanding job.

In the basement, I built my own ceiling-mounted air filter using an old furnace blower fan, plywood, 3/4" pine strips, 3 pleated furnace filters (2 pre-, 1 post-filter), a switch, and an appliance cord. It works great! If you know an HVAC contractor, or have one nearby, you might be able to pick up an old blower for next to nothing. These guys always seem to have blowers lying around from remove/install jobs.

Sonny Edmonds
12-24-2008, 9:29 AM
I have a Delta air cleaner in my shop. It doesn't get used as much as my DC or shop vac, but then, it doesn't need to.
Still, I consider an air cleaner as one of the 3 essential dust controls every shop should have.
Mine also serves as a cool breeze when it gets hot and I'd like a nice breeze on my face.
And air cleaner catches a lot of fine stuff and I can see a visible difference when I turn it on. And especially when doing some deep cleaning in the shop. ;)

Noah Vig
12-24-2008, 10:55 AM
I have the JDS 750 ER in my garage and it works very well IMO. That said I usually work with the garage doors closed. No experience with the others.

Gilbert Vega
12-24-2008, 12:37 PM
Thanks for the replies? Is there anyone out there who uses the Powermatic model? The currently have a $50 rebate that would drop the net price pretty close to the Delta and JDS. Thanks.

There are currently two rebates in effect at this time. First there's the $50 "POWER UP" rebate. IN ADDITION, there is a "bonus" $50 rebate if item is purchased between Dec13 - Dec 31, 2008. I will order the PM today from Amazon and at the same time cash in my $325 rebate checks from the Amazon credit card.

Bruce Page
12-24-2008, 1:20 PM
The JDS I have works great. Any of the ones you listed should do a good job of dust control. I have almost no dust settling If I leave mine on for an hour or two after a round of sanding.