View Full Version : Scraper Plane (Large or Small)?

Seth Poorman
12-24-2008, 12:00 AM
Hey guys
Im thinking on buying a scraping plane (Lie Neilsen) 112 or 212.
I was wondering what you guys think would be most useful. ? Not ever using one I would think that the larger would be,because of the extra weight.
You guys have been a big help in the past when I purchased a #4 smoother.
Thanks Seth...

Mike Cutler
12-24-2008, 12:21 AM

Well, since I'm up waiting for a call back about resetting a terminal server. I'll give ya' my .02

I have the smaller LN #85 Cabinet Scraper , and it truly is a nice tool. It took me awhile to get the hang of it, and not leave plane tracks. I had to get over my fear of radiusing (is that a word?) the corners of the blade, and putting an ever so slight camber to it. If you hook the blade on this, like a hand scraper, go very slowly at first. It can flat out remove some material. I still haven't mastered it yet, and resharpened the blade back to a 45 deg bevel. Baby steps.:o I can always whip out a card scraper too

I tossed the bigger/smaller question around too, and went with the #85 because it seemed as if being able to use the plane in smaller areas was better for me. Don't know if that logic holds water, The smaller one just seemed more versatile for my application. I'll have both someday, hopefully.;)
Neither of these planes is light, there is some good weight to both sizes. That 112 is a good sized plane. It is big.
Hopefully someone else can add some info on the 212. I've seen it, but haven't used one.

philip marcou
12-24-2008, 3:46 AM
I think the answer depends on what sort of work you do. If you do smaller stuff, or a lot of frame and panel, you may find the smaller one good for between panels and frames of panel and panel constructions, but then again if you needed to scrape panels the bigger one is better.
Fact is: they are not essential- you can do all scraping with card scrapers and burning thumbs, as per the book (;)
Therefore, as you don't need them , but want them, the choice is obvious- get them both since they are both fine tools.
Hope that helps, and no, I don't even know Tom Lie Nielsen.

willie sobat
12-24-2008, 3:52 AM
I have both the LN 112 and 212. They are great. I hate to take the easy way out here, but I would say its a question of what type of work you are looking to do. If you want the plane to smooth larger surfaces go with the 112 for sure. In general it is the one I reach for more. If you are trying to work a small tricky area of grain the 212 is a great tool to have in your arsenal. Good luck.

Chuck Tringo
12-24-2008, 9:27 AM
off topic, but i like your logo Willie...do you do bad things to bad people, or do you last longer than hard times ? :D I was in GSC chem det from 01-03 and did OEF 1 with 3rd BN.

I have both the LN 112 and 212. They are great. I hate to take the easy way out here, but I would say its a question of what type of work you are looking to do. If you want the plane to smooth larger surfaces go with the 112 for sure. In general it is the one I reach for more. If you are trying to work a small tricky area of grain the 212 is a great tool to have in your arsenal. Good luck.

John Keeton
12-24-2008, 10:01 AM
Seth, for what it is worth, the LV scraping plane has received great reviews and seems to be favored by some over the LN. I enjoy mine, and LV has free shipping for a week after Christmas - just a thought.

Mark Singer
12-24-2008, 10:58 AM
I would get the small LN. the large one I use rarely