View Full Version : Cherry Burl set finished

Jack Mincey
12-23-2008, 4:32 PM
Here is the cherry burl set I've been working on. It will be a while before I get another burl like this to work with.

charlie knighton
12-23-2008, 4:34 PM
very nice...

Steve Schlumpf
12-23-2008, 4:50 PM
That's quite the set Jack! Amazing wood! You're right, you don't often see cherry burl that is ALL burl! Very nice work! Have any plans for the set? Sell or gift?

Pete Jordan
12-23-2008, 4:51 PM
Just beautiful Jack!

What did you use to core it up with?

Don Carter
12-23-2008, 5:10 PM
Wow! Jack, those are just beautiful! Great wood and great work. Very nice.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.

All the best.


George Guadiane
12-23-2008, 5:19 PM
Nice job using it!
What are the bowl sizes? Which coring set do you use?? How long have you been using it???
Really looks NICE!

Jack Mincey
12-23-2008, 5:35 PM
Thanks for the compliments everyone. Steve, they will stay around the house for a while I think. My wife really likes them. They range in size from 13" in Dia. down to around 6" for the smallest. I used a oneway coring system. This is around the 6th set of bowls I've cored with it and never had a problem so far. It is the first natural edge set I've cored.
Thanks again,

Bill Bolen
12-23-2008, 6:59 PM
Beautiful burl and a superb execution! Love the nesting bowls...Bill...

Christopher K. Hartley
12-23-2008, 7:07 PM
Talk about bowl saving! Beautiful set, good work.:)

Nathan Hawkes
12-23-2008, 7:15 PM
WOW. That's all I can say about the wood. Then, WOW is all I can say about how many saved cores you got out of it!!!!!!!!!!!! I've managed to get 4 out of a big chunk of maple with my mcnaughton, but that is amazing!!!! Keep it up!

Bernie Weishapl
12-23-2008, 10:33 PM
Jack those are beautiful bowls out of some beautiful burl. Well done.

Jim Kountz
12-24-2008, 10:30 AM
Man alive is that some cool stuff!! Just amazing depth and color, you did a fantastic job!!

Wyatt Holm
12-25-2008, 2:26 PM
Nice:) That is my style of work. That is about the only way that I ever use burls. I would try to do thinner wall thickness if you could.

Greg Just
12-25-2008, 3:15 PM
Nice job Jack - that is maximizing the use of that burl.

alex carey
12-25-2008, 4:51 PM
that is quite the burl, very impressive usage of the entire thing.


Jim Becker
12-25-2008, 6:44 PM
Jack, that's a great set of cored bowls! Nice job!