View Full Version : TS with router extension wing or 7' rails

Josh Rudolph
12-22-2008, 12:58 PM
I have a buddy who is looking to buy a table saw in the next couple weeks. Hopefully before the January 1 price increase.

He is contemplating between the G1023SLW and G1023SLX. The SLW has the router extension wing, the SLX has the 7' rails.

My advice was to go with the bigger rails and buy an aftermarket extension/router wing to add to the left side of the saw later. If he didn't use an aftermarket fence for the router he could slide his rails to the left and use the fence for his router.

One of his first projects will be cabinets so he will be needing the extra space on the TS and a router table.

He would really like to keep his router attached to the TS and keep as much capacity as possible.

Have any of you guys went with this option?


Wade Lippman
12-22-2008, 12:59 PM
Then I would have to agree with you.
I am sure he can make a better router insert than the Grizzly anyhow. I know I did.

Scott Wigginton
12-22-2008, 1:17 PM
I agree, go with the longer rails. If he wants the rails later it'll cost him $220 for the Grizzly ones and he won't have a lift.

If he gets the longer rails now he can spend the same money on a router lift to put in his extension table.

Jerome Hanby
12-22-2008, 1:43 PM
I think anyone that uses a table mounted router much is going to be lusting after a router lift. I haven't looked at the router extension you mention here, but I bet it's drilled to mount the router. Even if it's cut to use a mounting plate, will it be the correct size when you decide to install a lift? I'd go with the rails and buy/build a router extension when needed. Or skip them both and buy an Incra TS-III with all the trimmings and long rails!:D

glenn bradley
12-22-2008, 1:47 PM
+1 on longer rails now, RT to the left later.

Josh Rudolph
12-23-2008, 7:13 AM
I didn't even think about the lift for bit changing. Definitely a deal breaker in my opinion.

Thanks guys.