View Full Version : 30 years of pleasure

Bob Walters
12-22-2008, 9:40 AM
This is my first post in any forum, I have always liked reading the good questions & answers .
I am 71 years old and have had "30 years of pleasure" woodworking. I am not "Norm or David Marks" , I have no way of posting pictures so I can not show you the things I have built , but I enjoy the pictures others post.
My question today is: does anyone make a dado set with a chipper that will measure 23/32 without useing shims ?

Thank you

Heather Thompson
12-22-2008, 9:45 AM

First let me say welcome to the Creek, lots of nice people here. To answer your question, yes, Frued makes a dado set called the SD608 that fits your description, but there are compatibility issues based on arbor length. I will include a link to Peachtree that has a link that does a good job at explaining how to check your saw. http://www.ptreeusa.com/freud_dado_sets.htm If you have any questions feel free to PM me.


PS The first link was actually to the product, this link will take you straight to the table. http://www.ptreeusa.com/freud_dial_a_dado_compatibility.htm

Darren Salyer
12-23-2008, 1:57 PM
You will be amazed at the collective knowledge represented here. Lots of project pics and a willingness to help, sure to inspire. Darren

Warren Johnson
12-23-2008, 2:05 PM

Welcome, there is a lot of knowledge and friendly people here.

Walt Caza
12-23-2008, 2:08 PM
Hi Bob,
I am sorry I cannot answer your dado question...

But I can welcome you to Sawmill Creek!
Glad you decided to join us.
Your many years of shop experience may prove helpful to others.

ps what are you building?

Eric Schniewind
12-23-2008, 2:10 PM
I'm sorry, I'm not the one to answer this question, but I did want to welcome you and to welcome any future bits of wisdom you might share from your 30 years!

I think it's a terrific forum and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for.



Derek Tuchscherer
12-23-2008, 2:39 PM
Hey Bob,

Welcome to the Creek.

You may want to take a look here.


The chart seems to indicate that their set is capable.

Merry Christmas, looking forward to anything you may contribute in the future.


Nancy Laird
12-23-2008, 2:44 PM
Welcome to the Creek, Bob. Wade right in, the water's fine, and the bullfrogs and tadpoles don't nibble at your toes too badly.

I can't respond to your query about the dado set, but you might check out the Freud SD208 stack set. We have that one, and it's great!

Bruce Page
12-23-2008, 3:00 PM
Hello Bob, welcome to SMC

I have a Jesada set that claims to cut a 23/32 dado but they aren’t in business any longer so not much help there…:rolleyes:
The shim less Freud adjustable dado will do it, (Freud Dial-A-Width Stacked Dado Set). It gets good reviews but is pricey at $270.
23/32 for standard ¾” ply shouldn’t be too hard to find.

Jim Becker
12-23-2008, 3:01 PM
Bob, welcome to the 'Creek!!

The adjustable Freud SD608 might give you what you need and it's a great dado setup. But as Heather points out, you'll want to confirm if you have enough arbor length for it to work out for you. Saw dependant.

Prashun Patel
12-23-2008, 3:10 PM
Alternate suggestion:

I like a dado stack as much as the next guy, but might you consider using a router and a plywood straight bit, which is properly sized and quicker to change.

Question: why don'tcha like shims here? I have not NEARLY your experience, but I do love them shims because my "23/32" ply is hasn't been exact.

Andrew Nemeth
12-23-2008, 3:13 PM
First of all welcome to the creek!

To answer your question: I have the freud 208 stacking dado set and it cuts a perfect 23/64 slot. Not only does it cut a nice dado but my cuts in plywood are virtually splinter free. I bought mine a few years back for just around $100 and I am always impressed by it every time I pull it out. In fact, I was actually using it today and I took a measurment and checked the model number before posting for you.

Dennis Peacock
12-23-2008, 3:46 PM
Howdy Bob and Welcome to the Creek..!!!!!

You post a good question and it surely deserves to be answered, but in my experiences, I've always had to use shims to get exactly what I've wanted in my dado sizes. Call me picky, but I like a nice fit on my dado's. :)

Chris Padilla
12-23-2008, 3:50 PM
I think any high-quality dado set will have a 3/32" chipper in its arsenal of chippers.

The 8" CMT Precision dado set certainly does.

BTW, Welcome to the Creek! :)

Charles Saunders
12-23-2008, 3:53 PM
Welcome, Bob. As a newcomer to these pages myself I can attest to the useful information and the thoughtfulness of the answers given by knowledgeable members and contributors.
In answer to your question there is a Delta dado kit #35-7670 that will do 23/32" without shims. I bought one "on sale" from Amazon about a year or so ago for around $100. It's probably not as high a quality as some of the more expensive sets >$200 but it's worked very well for me. The outer blades are 24T and the chippers are all 4T, stainless shims and a great storage case. I used a 23/32" stack for a recent project. The slot was dead-on width and flat bottomed with no chipping - but as others have mentioned, plywood thickness varies somewhat.

richard poitras
12-23-2008, 4:04 PM
Bob, Welcome to the Creek....Enjoy!:)

Von Bickley
12-23-2008, 4:13 PM

Welcome to "The Creek"....

David G Baker
12-23-2008, 5:07 PM
Can't answer your question but I can welcome you aboard the Creek. Anxious to tap into your 30 years of woodworking experience.

Jeffrey Makiel
12-23-2008, 6:31 PM
Welcome aboard!

I hope you are able to somehow post pics of your work. 30+ years of woodworking would likely yield some interesting projects for us to see.

-Jeff :)

Travis Porter
12-23-2008, 7:33 PM
The Forrest dado king that I have does. It includes a 3/32 chipper along with the 1/16 and 1/8 chippers.

Chris Schumann
12-23-2008, 9:08 PM
The cheap 6" Oshlun set I have can do 23/32" but the instructions say the blades are sized for nominal thickness plywood, so setting it for 3/4" might get you the size you need, but there are shims in the box too.

Rick Fisher
12-23-2008, 9:28 PM
Welcome Bob.. If you have any pics, but arent up on how to post them, feel free to ask for help.

Most of the people here will be happy to help, myself included.

Sonny Edmonds
12-23-2008, 10:09 PM
Welcome, Bob. I'm always interested in my betters experience. My Daddy made sure I respect my elders. Though you don't have all that many years on me.
I found that if I get hardwood ply (Oak anyway), and I have my tape measure or calipers with me, I can side step the junk they call 3/4" plywood and go right to the true 3/4" plywoods.
Side stepping the odd-ball construction ply for the right stuff.
I also look for the ply that has a full laminate face sheet of hardwood, and not the thin veneer.
But my calipers or at least my tape measure are my friends when getting sheet stock.
Darn junk they sell now anyway! :mad:

Bob Walters
12-24-2008, 10:15 AM
Thank you all for the info on dado sets !!
I finally did mark the shims I need to cut the size dado i need, Ihope that helps in the furture.

I watched my tape on Norm's table saw show, I figure the set he is talking about is a Delta because they are one of his underwriters.

Thanks again

Rick Potter
12-24-2008, 5:49 PM
Hey Bob,

Us older guys have to stick together (I'm 66). Some of these young whippersnappers were born with a computer in their crib. My New Years resolution is to learn how to post pictures. I am getting an inexpensive digital camera for Christmas.

By the way, my Forrest dado set has a 3/32 chipper and works well. I searched the shop once for the spacers. Turned out I was looking through them, as they were clear, and the light was just right (senior moment). I fixed that problem with a marking pen.

Rick Potter

Stephen Edwards
12-24-2008, 6:04 PM
Welcome to the Creek, Bob. I'm sure that you have a lot to teach and share with many of us.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!