View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
12-22-2008, 9:29 AM
22 Dec 2008

Good Morning,
I hope and pray that each of you are warm and comfy (if you are in a cold or winter climate) and cool and comfy (if you are in a warm or summer climate).

Today? Well, I don't have to tell you, but if you don't have your Christmas shopping done? Wow...you'd better get with it.

The kitchen table project came to a halt last week when I came down with a bad sinus infection, bronchitis, and fluid on both ears which made me dizzy if I turned my head very much. I was down with "sick", but today I'm up and feel better but still very much fighting all this. The doctor put me on some meds late last week and that's helping out a lot. I just hope each of you stay healthy and safe throughout the entire holiday season.

Woke up this morning just before daylight at 13º F. Pretty cold for around here. Woodstove is cranking out the heat and it's nice to have my oldest son home for Christmas. Samuel has been living with my parents in Alabama for just over 3 months now. He's improving and we just hope and pray that he will continue to improve.

I hope to be able to spend some time back on the kitchen table project this week, but I work the day job Wednesday, play bass for 2 Christmas services Wednesday night, help serve a Christmas breakfast @ 6AM Christmas morning with my family and other to the I-40 truckers who park and sleep at the old weigh stations between here and Little Rock. We just feel it's a time to give and give from the heart. Those guys are long on the road and we wanted to try and bring a little Christmas to each one of them that would accept our small token of "thanks" for all they do for us.

Then it's back home, warm up, and open gifts as a family.

Here's to wishing each of you a most blessed Christmas and may it be filled with warmth, good family and friend, and gifts of joy and love among all.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of Christmas Weeks to you all..!!!!!!! http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g69/sawdustar/emoticons/youngsanta.gif

Thomas Knighton
12-22-2008, 9:35 AM
Well, this weekend I intended to build a saw bench or maybe even two. Instead, I woke up Saturday morning sick and with a back that was hurting pretty bad.

About all I got done this weekend was watch my Atlanta Falcon's clinch a playoff spot. Frankly, I'm sort of OK with that ;)


David G Baker
12-22-2008, 9:44 AM
Saturday we had an early Christmas with some of the out of town family. Sunday we stayed in the house and watched it snow like crazy and 50 mile an hour wind gusts blow that snow into large drifts that are now around 4 feet high in places. Quite a few white outs. This went on for most of the day. I haven't been out side yet this morning so I don't know yet what I have to contend with for snow removal. Some of the drifts are bigger than I can handle with my snow blower so it will have get the John Deere out and use the front end loader to move the snow out of the way. Sunday was actually a beautiful day if you like to look out the windows at a storm that you don't have to be out in.

Craig McCormick
12-22-2008, 10:13 AM
After a year and a half I have finally installed lighting in my shop!!! Not done yet but I can walk in there and flip a switch and see...... WOW.


Jeremy Rayburn
12-22-2008, 10:22 AM
I finished these two just in time, as I had to deliver them on Sunday. Now I can work on my hand tool cabinet until the wife finds something else that she wants me to build.



Russ Massery
12-22-2008, 10:26 AM
Nothing woodworking wise. Never got above -3 degrees all weekend. :(

Greg Cole
12-22-2008, 10:36 AM
I spent all day Saturday prepping and cooking for the Chirstmas Party for the day job. From 9'ish am til we sat down for the feast I was in the kitchen. Feeding 20+ people takes a little work for a one man cooking crew.
Spent the first 1/2 of the day reminding myself drinking Makers Mark seems to give a slight headache....:rolleyes:

Karl Laustrup
12-22-2008, 11:21 AM
Morning Dennis. Sorry to hear your not feeling 100%. Get well quick.

Watch it snow, watch it snow, watch it snow!!! And then shovel and snow blow all that white stuff. 10.5 inches Friday. :( Another 5-6 inches Saturday night and now we're something like 6 or 7 inches ahead of last year at this time, when we had almost 110 inches of snow for the season.

Woke Sunday to -13º and it never got warmer than -3º. Wind blew all day making wind chills in the -20º to -30º range most of the day. As can be deduced not much happened outside or in the shop over the weekend.

Now, we have more snow for tonight [5 inches] and more snow Wednesday [6-10 inches]. :( It will be clear and sunny for Christmas day though. :) Then more snow on Friday and possible rain on Saturday. Guess what I'll be doing most of the week?



Dan Gill
12-22-2008, 12:19 PM
I sanded, finished, and shipped the last cutting board of the year. Aside from that, I stayed out of the shop.

John Sanford
12-22-2008, 12:27 PM
Worked on a rolling assembly table/storage critter that's going to lurk under the right side of my table saw. I'm pretty happy with the way it's turning out, although I still need to build the "guts" (sawblade storage insert).

Eric DeSilva
12-22-2008, 12:57 PM
On Saturday, I finished up putting drywall up on a couple walls in the shop, then taped it all, installed corners, and put on the first coat of mud. I was figuring I was done for the weekend at that point--we had guests that night and all Sunday was booked w/holiday events--but after dinner one of our guests asked to see the progress in the basement, so I had to show him... He flips houses for a living, and it took him about two minutes before he cracked open the spackle, grabbed a knife, and started putting on a second coat... Since he actually does this for a living, he finished the second coat in no time while we were chatting. *That* is the kind of dinner guest to have...

Jim Becker
12-22-2008, 2:30 PM
Burrr.....10ºF with a wind chill of 0ºF this morning. Waiting for the bus with the younger was a "real treat" today! I know it's nothing compared to many "more northern" 'Creekers' winter experience, but it was darn chilly for the Delaware Valley!

Saturday was the predicted horsie activities. Sunday, I managed to FINALLY get the glass in the wet bar upper cabinets as well as make some minor adjustments to the drawers. It was good job for the day as there was a whole herd of little girls making Christmas cookies in the house for a few hours. :) Also took the older to the barn to ride late in the day.