View Full Version : Christmas 2008 Projects

Dave Verstraete
12-21-2008, 9:05 PM
These are the projects that I have spent the last few months completing for the holidays. The family is coming over and each person or couple will get a gift.
My mother gets the cherry bench

My two brothers each get a book rack

The rest are for nieces and nephews

Matt Crew
12-21-2008, 9:50 PM
Beautiful work. Also very generous.
I'll take one of each.

Dewey Torres
12-21-2008, 10:03 PM
What about those lamps in the background? The best out of all of them and no closeups? Not part of the gift group?

Dave Verstraete
12-21-2008, 10:41 PM
A few pics of the lamps. A Woodsmith design

Dewey Torres
12-21-2008, 10:50 PM
I thought it was the from the WM plans.

Pick of the litter! IMO:D

Kevin Adams
12-22-2008, 6:16 AM

Great job on all and just in time! I particularly like the book rack and was wondering where you got that plan. I know I've seen it before, but can't recall where. If you don't have a plan, maybe some quick measurements on the pieces? I'd like to build one for my younger daughter who has been asking me for something for her room and she just keeps piling books up on the floor to prove her point!

Thanks and hope everyone enjoys their wonderful, handmade gifts.


Jim Becker
12-22-2008, 7:40 AM
You've been busy, Dave! Nice work. Great gifts.

mike holden
12-22-2008, 7:46 AM
Will you sign my adoption papers? Please?

Nice work, nice gifts, happy family.

Season's best to you and yours,

Dave Verstraete
12-22-2008, 8:09 AM
Credits for the designs and publications

Oak Step Stool - Woodsmith # 92

Cherry Bench - WOOD Magazine Dec./Jan. 2006/2007
Designer Kevin Boyle

Adjustable Floor Lamp - Woodsmith # 140

Arts & Crafts Book Rack - Fine Woodworking Mar./Apr 2008
Designer Gregory Paolini

More pics of these projects in my Albums

Thanks for the kind words

Roy Wall
12-22-2008, 10:03 AM
Dave -

Those are terrific gifts for your family. A lifetime of memories with each one.......

Kevin Adams
12-22-2008, 1:17 PM
Thanks, Dave, I knew I had seen it somewhere not too long ago.


Jerome Hanby
12-22-2008, 1:46 PM
Nice work! I've been thinking of building some shelves like that to handle paperbacks. Think they would scale up to a taller version with more shelves and still look nice?

Dave Verstraete
12-22-2008, 4:02 PM
I think they could be made similar without tapered sides with shelves still at 45 degree angles. Not sure if I would make it much higher than 1 more shelf though.

Ed Sallee
12-22-2008, 4:52 PM
Looks like you've made it in under the wire..... Excellent!
I like the book shelves - my wife has been on me to make something for all the DVD's that are currently occupying the Jatoba book shelf that I made her. She want's them out of there so she can put books in it. I think the design in your pictures might be the ticket.....
Thanks for the inspiration!

Dave Verstraete
12-22-2008, 5:31 PM
They work great for DVD's

Allan Froehlich
12-23-2008, 2:22 PM
Hey Dave,
I think I've seen your work before. Have you ever attended any of the craft events in Cedarburg, WI?

Dave Verstraete
12-23-2008, 4:12 PM
Never been to a craft event in WI. Is this a trick question?

John Thompson
12-24-2008, 10:22 AM
Excellent Dave. Those are some clever ideas for gifts. I just did a shoe rack similar for my wife and made a run of kitchen knife holders from maple for gifts for her family. Normally I don't build Xmas gifts outside the family as my wife keeps me very busy building for her.

But... next year that is going to change and you gave me some idea with the things you made. Very nice but yet simple enough you can run several and really not take that much more time until you get to finish. Finish... I hate that word. :)

Ya done good....


Dave Verstraete
12-24-2008, 3:18 PM
I need goals to get things done. I made a list of projects and picked through them for ones that were not too difficult that it would tie up a lot of time.

I dislike the finish part also. My wife says I need to enjoy the whole process. I use Waterlox a lot because it is simple and quick to do.

John Thompson
12-24-2008, 5:39 PM
It took me around 30 years to really get the knack for finish as the last 6 have not been so bad but..... I still hate it. The trick in your case may be to tell her how much fun you're having doing the finish.. then when alone you can curse under your breath... "I hate this _ _ _ _ fill in the blanks with appropriate words! ;)

Regards for the holidays sir...
