View Full Version : Fox Machinery & Poolewood Machinery ? Anyone?

Corey Filkins
12-21-2008, 3:58 PM
Has anyone ever heard of this company?

www.foxmachinery.co.uk (http://www.foxmachinery.co.uk)

While looking on Ebay for a mortiser I found a seller in the UK with a Fox Machinery mortiser, upon digging deeper I found the above website.

Looking at the combo planer / jointer it looks like a Laguna model.


with a price of 500 pounds (today that is around $750 USD) that is a steal, but you get what you pay for.

Thanks for you input.

Bill Houghton
12-21-2008, 6:24 PM
You would want to confirm that the motor can be provided at US voltage. I believe English electrical power uses a different cycle than American.

Sonny Edmonds
12-21-2008, 7:25 PM
Yeah, I've heard of Fox Machinery in the past.
Poolewood makes, or used to make, great big wood lathes.

I popped this up on Google (http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=t&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGIE,GGIE:2006-43,GGIE:en&q=Fox+Machinery) for Fox Machinery. Note that Shop Fox is different than Fox.

And here is a search result for Poolewood (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=GGIE,GGIE:2006-43,GGIE:en&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=Poolewood+Machinery&spell=1) as well.

I guess you are in the UK? :confused: (Your profile didn't indicate)

And as far as I know, Europe power is 50 Hz. and usually 220 volts to it's neutral.
An old Friend (gone now) brought his Tormek over from Jolly Old England only to spend a good amount of wages to have it rewound for the 60 Hz. current here in the U.S.
So be sure you are buying what works with where ever in the world you are. Cheery-O :)

Corey Filkins
12-21-2008, 11:35 PM
Nope I am in the Dallas Texas area. I was just seaching around and came across the different tools.

I work in the electrical world and going from 220 50hz to 230 60hz is not an issue. A lot of products these days will work on both.

I sent an email to Fox's ebay site to see if they will quote me a shipping charge to the USA. I'll report back when I get the details.

I really like the idea of a 10" combo planer jointer, with the limited space in my garage (boy how I miss my basement in WI) a combo unit might be the best idea.

Here is another company I hace read about www.axminster.co.uk (http://www.axminster.co.uk)

Thanks for the input

Mike Wilkins
12-22-2008, 10:03 AM
Check the Laguna website. I think they sell a 10" jointer/planer machine. I'm sure the footprint is not much more than a 12" machine.
I have a 12" machine similar to the X310 and wish I had a 16" .