View Full Version : Christmas Gouge Gloat!!!

Steve Schlumpf
12-20-2008, 3:55 PM
I wasn’t aware of it before but found out this year I live next door to Santa Claus! Imagine my surprise when I receive a Doug Thompson ¾” V bowl gouge in the mail! Inside the package was a note that the gouge was a gift from my neighbor Bob!

WHAT???.........You Gotta be Kidding Me!!!.........WOW!!!

Thank you Bob!!!

One of the things with Thompson gouges is you have to turn or find a handle for them. As there would be a heck of a lot of stress on this gouge, I didn’t want to turn one for it. I have Randy Privett’s Monster handle on my Thompson 5/8” V and love it… so I emailed Randy about a ¾” handle cause in my mind that would be perfect. Randy informed me that while he had thought of making handles for ¾” gouges, he had not yet done so.

Oh…, OK, no problem, I’ll figure something out………

Next day I get an email from Randy, he had made me a handle and it was already in the mail!!! What???.....Wow!!! You can see Randy’s new line of MCH34 handles here: http://www.monster-wood-tool.com/wst_page7.html

Finally got to try out the new gouge today but first reground the profile on the gouge by sweeping back the wings, filled the handle with #6 lead shot for ballast and grabbed a big ole’ chunk of maple. The new gouge/handle works beautifully and my arms should look like Arnold after using the new gouge for a few months! The nice thing about the new handle is it is long enough to plant it along side my hip and use body movement to regulate the cut. Does that ever make roughing out easier!

104104 104105 104106 104107 104108 This will be a HF tomorrow!

Thanks to Bob Hainstock for the new ¾” V bowl gouge, to Doug Thompson for making such a great tool and to Randy Privett for his newly designed handle! I truly love it! Thanks guys!

Jack Mincey
12-20-2008, 4:43 PM
The gouge's first bowl looks like a winner. Merry Christmas.

Tony Wheeler
12-20-2008, 4:59 PM
now mount up a narly out of balance crotch piece that sat around and hard as all get out and you will really appericate the tool

Bill Bolen
12-20-2008, 5:10 PM
Great gloat Steve! And you are a most generous person Bob!! With you two living next door and Pete the wood provider down the street it must be one heck of a good neighbor hood. Merry Christmas to both of you...Bill...

robert hainstock
12-20-2008, 5:51 PM
It is great that you are having success with the now completed new tool, (TOY). and it is great that everybody came together to make it happen. From the look of that block of wood, it most certainly works good and I'm sure that there will be lots more of those big "jugs" in your future.
THANKS for all you've done for us, and a very merry Christmas. :D:D:D:D

George Guadiane
12-20-2008, 5:58 PM
Makes me want to have neighbors!
Congratulations, Merry Christmas...
I'm gonna need me one (or TWO???) of them handles!!!

Bernie Weishapl
12-20-2008, 6:06 PM
Congrats Steve on a great setup. That thing with the new handle should really hog some wood.

Merry Christmas Steve and enjoy.

Pete Jordan
12-20-2008, 6:39 PM
Santa Bob strikes again!

You will love it!

Don Carter
12-20-2008, 7:10 PM
There is a Santa Claus...Congratulations! Merry Christmas to you and your very good neighbor. I have to go now....must talk to my neighbors!;)

All the best.


Jim Kountz
12-20-2008, 7:55 PM
Ok Steve now Im jealous and dont like you anymore!!:D:D:D:D LOL Way to go, you have great neighbors to say the least! Now get in there and clean those shavings!! I would expect that kind of thing from me but Ive never seen your shop look like that!!:p:p:eek::eek:

Ken Glass
12-20-2008, 8:52 PM
It looks to me your already feeling comfortable with the new Gouge. It sure is nice to have great friends so close by. I also think Randy's tools are simply the best. I just love my new Monster Hollowing Rig. Congrats on the new toy and let us see the finished HF when its done.

Jeff Nicol
12-20-2008, 9:20 PM
Steve, My neighbors are not that nice! One is mean loudmouthed drug addict and the other is a hoarder of all the junk in the world! I had to put up a 6' fence to keep her garbage out of my yard.

So any way congrats on the new tool and handle! My lump of coal should arrive soon!

Merry Christmas!


Dahl Troy Perry
12-20-2008, 10:11 PM
Steve is there any houses for in your area? I want to move south where it it warmer when I retire BUT up north is looking better all the time if the neighors are that good to each other:D:D I showed your pictures to my wife and said see I could my lathe in the spair bedroom and turn there.:rolleyes: It did not go over to well guess I'll stay in the garage to stay married.:)

Brad Hammond
12-20-2008, 11:48 PM
with any luck santa will find my house with the same present for me!! great gloat!

Jon Lanier
12-20-2008, 11:59 PM
Okay, how come I don't get a neighbor like Bob? I get a policeman who thinks he can break the law at his own convenience.

Way to go Bob!!!!!! Make something really pretty for him, Steve.

Bob Hallowell
12-21-2008, 8:10 AM
Congrads Steve, and nice work Bob! I have a little in that santa is bringing me a 1/2v from doug. I had my dad machine some inserts out of stainless so I can make a wood handle.


robert hainstock
12-21-2008, 12:17 PM
Steve is there any houses for in your area? I want to move south where it it warmer when I retire BUT up north is looking better all the time if the neighors are that good to each other:D:D I showed your pictures to my wife and said see I could my lathe in the spair bedroom and turn there.:rolleyes: It did not go over to well guess I'll stay in the garage to stay married.:)
It happens that there is a nice house around the corner, and the side benefits are all the maple you can turn, and five months of snow coupled with two weeks of spring and fall and three months of tough sledding. Summer is the first Wednesday in Aug. So come on up.

Doug Thompson
12-21-2008, 3:00 PM
Steve, like Bob said on the phone "you can't ask for a better neighbor" those are words you don't hear very often.

I just recieved Randy's 3/4 inch handle and it's well balanced for a large tool like this, I also like the fact you added some shot which is better yet.

I almost added a "do not open till Christmas" to the outside of the package but that would have been mean...:eek:

Steve Schlumpf
12-21-2008, 3:11 PM
Thanks for the kind comments everyone - I do appreciate it!

Doug - the combination of your 3/4" V with Randy's new handle is simply amazing! It's heavier than what I am used to but still very easy to control and the added weight does make a difference when roughing out! I like the way I can brace the gouge against my hip and just use body movements to control the cut. I know that is the way it is supposed to be done but all to often I find I use my arms. This combination works!

Again, my many thanks to all involved! Glad I still have 30 or so pieces of green to rough out! Also glad you didn't put the 'Do Not Open message' on the box Doug! Thanks for that!

Dick Strauss
12-22-2008, 2:03 AM
Congrats! I'm sure it makes you feel like the big dog in town for sure. Be careful though... the neighbors will want you to go out on neighborhood watch patrol with that monster:eek:!