View Full Version : Drill Press Recommendation

Russ Filtz
06-15-2004, 11:55 AM
Been looking to get a basic drill press, either a Delta 17-965 or a JET 17MF. Any thoughts on which is better or alternates?

John Weber
06-15-2004, 12:04 PM

I think either is a good choice, I, being Mr. Delta, would lean that way. Otherwise, I would buy either the Delta or Jet based on price and extras... If you have a bit more budget, I would go for the variable speed floor model Delta.


Chris Padilla
06-15-2004, 1:00 PM
I have the Delta and I like it just fine. My only complaint about it is the switch mine comes with. It has "broken" twice on me:

The screws that hold the spring-tensioned buttons in their place thread into, get this, plastic! When the screws loosen up, the springs pop out just enough such that you either can't turn the DP on or you can't turn it off. This has happend twice to me and and the last time, I used some CA glue and then threaded the screws in right away. So far, so good. I hope they've improved the switch. Other than that, it is a great machine, decent run-out, good locking mechanism, good quill travel, etc. Changing belts to adjust speed is a pain but not that big a deal.

Donnie Raines
06-15-2004, 1:18 PM
I have the Craftsman 16 inch drill press with the laser guide..one of those corny extras but it really comes in handy when drilling to a mark. I had the 15 inch jet until a few months back. I had some issues with it...fixed it(properly) and sold it. I bought the craftsman for close to 240 bucks new.

Jamie Buxton
06-15-2004, 1:22 PM
Based on my not-completely-happy experience with another drill press, here's some things I suggest you look for --

* Is there side play in the spindle? Extend the spindle almost all the way and try to push it sideways. If you can see or feel it move, that's too much.

* Is the depth stop easy to use? Simple ones make you screw two nuts up and down a long shaft. Better ones let you easily set a stop.

* Is there a lock on the spindle so you can set the height and have it stay there?

* Is there good light on the work area?

* Can you tilt the table without tools? Is there a built-in detent at zero degrees?

* Is the table really at right angles to the drilling axis?

* Can you change speeds without tools?

Chris Padilla
06-15-2004, 2:16 PM
One thing I'd like to add is that most DPs do not come with a table that is well suited to woodworking. You will eventually want to make yourself one or buy one. You'll want a fence of some kind and a way to clamp down stuff. Having a fence with a stop is nice, too...for drilling shelf-pin holes for example.

Peter Kuhlman
06-15-2004, 2:19 PM
I have the Delta 17-965. A couple issues with it are:

There is quite a bit of run-out. It is really noticable with small diameter holes. I have not tried a replacement chuck but am tempted to.

The L shaped stop bar for the depth stop rod was way off of 90 degrees causing the shaft to shift when hitting the stop nut and resulting in out-of-round holes. I heated and beat it until it was close to correct.

Delta was not very good about handling warrantee issues in my opinion. They wanted me to ship them different parts for their inspection and would not send replacement parts until they evaluated the components.

I purchased the Delta over the Jet due to the Jet being much higher priced at that time.

Pete in Louisiana

Chris Padilla
06-15-2004, 2:25 PM
Owing to Peter's experience, it just shows how Delta's quality control has dipped over the last few years. I wonder if you get 10 of their DPs how many of them will show different problems? If they all showed the same problem, the process causing the problem could be found and fixed easily most likely. However, 10 different problems on 10 of the same machine? The run-out on my DP is excellent (forget the measurement but under 0.005" for sure). The depth-stop isn't perfect. If you pull hard enough on it, it will flex and jump a thread or two and mess up your hole depth. Otherwise, it works well for me.

Steven Wilson
06-15-2004, 3:18 PM
The Jet or Delta would be a wash at that price point. I have the Jet and the only thing I don't like is the 1/32" kickout that happens when it hits its depth stop. Eventually I plan on getting a Powermatic 1200HD, maybe a Wilton, or possibly a gearhead Jet; definately something with variable speed.