View Full Version : Porter-Cable 4212 dovetail jig

Howard Miller
12-19-2008, 1:06 PM
I can buy a used one from from a local man for ~65.00.

Is this a good jig? Any issues? Can you use any dovetail bit?



Jeff Monson
12-19-2008, 1:59 PM

I have a 4212 and I'm sure I may get corrected if I am wrong but you have to use the pc bit and bushing with this jig. Mine when setup cut 1/2 blinds very well, very happy with the performance overall, especially for 65.00, just make sure you get the bit and guide bushing with it

Clint Schlosser
12-19-2008, 2:25 PM
I have this jig and the instructions are just about useless, and yes you would need both the original bit and the bushing. Setting the depth of the bit is also a bit tricky. The instructions have almost nothing to say about this step but it is crucial to a tight fit. "if the joint is loose move the bit up".... that is the most indepth instruction in the manual.

I would recommend a pass on this jig. Save you money and get one with a little more support and flexibility like a leigh jig or some other.

David Moody
12-19-2008, 3:15 PM
You can get the instruction manuals for this jig online from DeltaPortercable.com site. There are two manuals. One is the basic manual and the other is an advanced topics manual. It is worth it to read both, because they give a pretty good idea of the different ways this jig can be used.

It is made to use 7 degree dovetail bits of certain sizes combined with some standard PC bushings. PC makes those bits, of course, but I think you should be able to find comparable ones elsewhere, too. The straight bits are less of an issue, of course.

You said it is the 4212. Does this mean that you get both the half-blind/sliding dovetail and through dovetail templates? The big difference between the 4212 and the 4210 is the inclusion of the through dovetail templates (the 4216 adds the miniature template).

$65 is probably a pretty reasonable price, but if you don't have the accessories that usually come with the jig (i.e., bushings, tools, especially both templates, and bits), I would offer a lesser amount.

Brad Townsend
12-19-2008, 4:38 PM
The bits for this jig do not have to be purchased from Porter-Cable. Whiteside makes compatible replacements as well. This is one source:


Jerry Olexa
12-19-2008, 6:06 PM
That is a very good jig and you have a good price. I 'd buy it .....

Brian Penning
12-19-2008, 7:27 PM
I'm happy with mine. Best thing you can do later on is to have 2 dedicated routers for it. No more adjustments are then needed.

Jim Eller
12-19-2008, 8:28 PM

I sold mine for $100. It was like new. Only made 4-5 trials with it.


Howard Miller
12-20-2008, 10:06 AM
I need to find out what he is missing. I believe he is missing the bits.
I will check Whiteside. I have purchased bits from them in the past.

Steve Clardy
12-20-2008, 8:05 PM
I make 40-50 drawers a month with mine. Does a good job.

I use the whiteside bits also.