View Full Version : Is this a good deal

Ian James Webster
12-18-2008, 4:02 PM
Hi all,

My local lumber yard has a returned order. Approx. 35 bf of birds eye maple (1/2 thick) for $7 a bf. Seems like a good deal to me - what do you think?

Also, how useful is 1/2" thick stock. I'm thinking of boxes. But 35bf is a lot of boxes. Any other project suggestions?


Joe Jensen
12-18-2008, 4:24 PM
It really depends on the grade of birdseye. I pay $50 + a ft for AAAAA instrument grade for boxes. I've also seen stuff called birdseye that barely had 10 eye per sq ft. 1/2" is not useful for more than small boxes

Joe Chritz
12-18-2008, 4:25 PM

Birdseye here is anywhere from $8 (4/4 rough) to $14 depending on the grade (number and size of eyes) so it is a decent deal but not screaming great.

It could make some decent veneered chess boards, you may even get 3 slices out of 1/2 for veneer with a good set up.


Tim Thomas
12-18-2008, 4:32 PM
I don't know about the price (maybe good, maybe bad, I've never bought birdseye), but with that 1/2 inch thick stock I would think you might be able to use it for panels in cabinet doors. Maybe do the frame in a darker wood like walnut and then the panel in birdseye maple? I've seen some contemporary style furniture like that and it makes for a striking look.

Don Bullock
12-18-2008, 4:50 PM
Ian, it all depends what would be the "regular" price for the boards in your area and the quality of the figure.

Chris Padilla
12-18-2008, 5:14 PM
Resaw, Baby, resaw. BE Maple is the schlitz!! I pick it up whenever I can...amazing stuff.

Richard M. Wolfe
12-22-2008, 10:14 AM
First of all, you have to be able to use (or resell)something to make it a "good deal". I knew a guy who had a house crammed full of 'stuff' that he would never use just because he got a 'good deal' on it.

The other consideration is the quality of the birdseye, which I don't know about. And you have to be able to put 1/2" material to use. That said, it sounds like a reasonable price.

Bryan Berguson
12-22-2008, 10:53 PM
Would 12"x12"X1/2" still be considered a board foot? Is it $7 per square foot? This could make the deal better or worse depending on how they are pricing what they are selling.


Mike Henderson
12-22-2008, 11:01 PM
Would 12"x12"X1/2" still be considered a board foot? Is it $7 per square foot? This could make the deal better or worse depending on how they are pricing what they are selling.

The wood place I buy from treats 1/2" stock the same as 4/4 stock. That is, 12"x12"x1/2" is considered one board foot.

If I didn't have something specific I was going to use the wood for, I'd pass. The deal of a lifetime, especially in this market, comes along about once a week. Save your money and only buy when the deal is "super" and you have a use for the product.


Craig T. Smith
12-23-2008, 7:37 AM
Ian, To me, Good deal = will I use it +do I want it - can I afford it . Then I consult my calculator( wife) and decide. Only you can fill in the blanks. But I'd probably go for it if it's figure was to my taste. Happy Woodworking, Craig