View Full Version : Kits Shipped **List** and Donations Request

Ken Salisbury
06-14-2004, 1:09 PM
I shipped kits to the following folks today - USPS Priority Mail:

Blake Mc Cully - 20
Matthew Hoff - 5
Robert E. Lee - 20
Gene Moody - 20
Brenda Starr - 20
Ed Heuslein - 100
Joe Kelly -- spare parts

This satisfies all kit requests received thru 6/12/04.

Over the weekend I received additional requests from 9 individuals for a total of 300 more "free kits". I will process those requests later this week.

It should be noted that donations for the "free kit" program have slowed down. I have only received 1 donation over the last week (from Barrie Reed, Miami, FL). The fund is still very solvent, ($2488.75 as of 6/14/04 with outstanding invoices of $880.00), however it is important to keep the fund well ahead of the requests received due to the lead time required to procure kits and process requests.

There are lots of group activities planned during the summer months and requests for kits is increasing from folks participating in club events, etc. I encourage all who are participating in these events to spend some of the time soliciting donations to the project. Names of all contributors to the fund are listed on the Contributors Web Page (http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/donors.htm) .

Checks should be made to "Freedom Pens Project" and sent to:

Freedom Pens
c/o Ken Salisbury
109 Eula Way
Huntsville, AL 35811

Donations by credit card (http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/directpay.htm)are also welcomed.