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View Full Version : Five Barns Picnic Update

Bill Grumbine
06-14-2004, 10:35 AM
Good morning all

We are about six weeks away from the Five Barns Picnic, to be held here in eastern PA on July 30 and 31. I have a couple of public updates. The first mass email has gone out to people who have written me saying they want to come. If you have written me telling me you want to come, and did not receive an email with details on hotels and such, please let me know of my oversight as soon as possible so I can get you on the list. Along with that, if you got the email and don't want to, please let me know so I can get you off the list.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to come, but you have to write me and tell me you are coming so I can send you details on directions, times, etc. Otherwise, you will not be informed and you will miss out on a great time. I need to know as closely as possible how many people are coming so that we can plan for food, drinks, etc. If you write to tell me you are coming and something comes up that you can't make it, PLEASE let me know. You won't hurt my feelings, but it is no fun eating hot dogs for six weeks because 30 people who said they were coming didn't show.

Events. There are several planned, none real formal. Jim Patterson will be demonstrating his Woodmizer bandsaw mill, probably during the day Saturday. We will have more details on that later.

Mark Mandell is organizing a tool/wood swap/sale. If you have something to sell or are looking for something someone else has, look for an email from me on the details. Note that you have to be on the list to get details on this!

We will have some tables for show and tell. If you have something you made, bring it along with you. Don't feel like it isn't good enough, or people will pick on you for your workmanship. We all started at the beginning, and it is always fun to see what others have been doing in their own shops. Show and tell is also a great way to get some input on how to solve problems you might be having with a certain piece or procedure.

Ellis has suggested a singalong bonfire. If you have musical instruments or ability, please bring them along. We are looking at creating a "fire palace" (Ellis's term) out of scraps and lighting it off on at least one night, maybe two.

Lots of your fellow woodworkers and their families will be here, so if you have the opportunity, come on over. This is one of the nicest collections of people you will ever meet. There will be woodturning demonstrations, regular woodworking demos, famous people, and lots of us regular folks as well. Of course, there is going to be lots of good food and drink to enhance the experience.

Thanks for taking time to read all this, and we are looking forward to seeing a bunch of you in a few weeks!
