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View Full Version : New Alpha Clamps?

richard poitras
12-16-2008, 7:58 AM
New Alpha Clamps?

Has anyone tried these new clamps From Lowell Thomas Tools and if so what are your thoughts? If not what are your thoughts? They seem to be just a version of a quick grip type but on a beefier level …

(By the way I have no affiliation with this company just looked like a interesting clamp)


Steve Rozmiarek
12-16-2008, 9:42 AM
Looks pretty cheesy to me... Maybe its just the background in the photo that gives me bad vibes.

Greg Hines, MD
12-16-2008, 9:49 AM
I don't care for the adjustment mechanism as presented. The fact that the pressure bar must remain parallel to the lower static bar would bother me. The adjustment head would have to be pretty sturdy to stand up to normal forces. I suppose that it might work for light-weight work, but Quick-Grip or other one handed clamps would probably do as good, or better.

The other thing that I don't care for is the fact that because of its design, should you use it on a relatively wide piece, say, gluing up a panel of much width, you would have this long bar sticking out of one end of the clamp which could get in your way.
