View Full Version : Online TV???

Dennis Peacock
12-15-2008, 4:59 PM
Anybody doing any online TV? I had DirecTV for about 14 years and finally gave it up about 4 years ago due to it getting too expensive. I've seen things advertised like "EasyTV" and such as that. Some have zero monthly fee. Anybody know about anything like this?

Burt Alcantara
12-15-2008, 5:16 PM
I use hulu.com to view Heroes episodes. Commercial breaks are only 30 seconds and less frequent then TV. They also have movies and many tv shows. It's free.

I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with TV. I also have DirectTV. Too many commercials, too many breaks, too many station interruptions with endless huge banners blocking the screen. And I have to pay for this? Shouldn't this be free?


Jason Roehl
12-15-2008, 6:41 PM
Why should it be free?

My biggest beef is that with cable or satellite, there is no a la carte pricing structure, so I have to pay a bunch just to get the few channels I want to watch, scrolling through hundreds of channels I will never watch. I would gladly trade those for a few more channels that I wouldn't mind watching occasionally, but I will not pay more than I am now for.

Jim O'Dell
12-15-2008, 7:19 PM
I think the cable companies, and the satellite companies, should have different levels, but you get X # of credits for this level, X more for this next level, and so on. Then you use your credits to get the channels you want from their list of offerings. With most cable companies being digital now, it shouldn't be that big of a deal to do. Probably even easier for satellite comanies, just build it into the receiver. A little more work for the company to set up and for the hardware to do it.
But even on the basic level of cable I have, there are a huge number of channels I'll never watch. But like Jason, I won't spend the bucks it takes to get some of the other channels I would watch (some of which were on the basic level 2 years ago! :mad:). It just isn't cost effective. Jim.

Neal Clayton
12-16-2008, 2:25 AM
i basically pay 100+ dollars a month for the ESPNs, HBO, Showtime, and the Discovery-esque channels. the only thing i watch outside of the HD tier is top gear.