View Full Version : Visit from a woodworking friend

Jim Becker
06-13-2004, 2:25 PM
Saturday morning, Joanne Adler stopped by to chat and see some of the changes I had made to the shop since her last visit. She's a local woodworking friend of mine and also an extraordinary musician--she and three other gals have a group named "No Windows" and do a great mix or original and cover folk tunes. They now have two CDs out...and of course, I own both of them!

Anyway, I had given her a bunch of poplar awhile back during a previous visit and she had brought along a few of her projects, both final and prototypes to discuss. One that I admired greatly at last year's Five Barns event was her "square bowl" design. Well, she pulled a nice one of cherry out of her car for Dr SWMBO and I yesterday, pictured below. The finish is padded shellac and it looks awesome! The joinery is great and this is one of her staple items. Size is about 8" square. I'm very happy to add it to our collection.

Todd Burch
06-13-2004, 2:31 PM
Pretty neat Jim! I wish I had more friends that were great woodworkers who gave me stuff! (hint hint hint) :)

I haven't made any box joints on splayed corners like that yet. Think I may have to give it a go...

Bob Marino
06-13-2004, 10:14 PM
That's a gorgeous piece of work; shape, joinery and finish. You have some pretty nice friends, Jim!


Mark Singer
06-14-2004, 12:27 AM
excellent! Really great!

Mark Bachler
06-14-2004, 8:37 AM
Very cool indeed.

Mark Valsi
06-14-2004, 9:45 AM
I am in envy of people who can make those kinds of joints.

mamma mia, I could never do that ! angles all over the place !

Chris Padilla
06-14-2004, 12:00 PM
You know, I need to make a trash can for the 1/2 bath in our house and that is the shape the LOML is looking for: An inverted pyramid with a flat top (bottom). Of course, she wants it painted white but that doesn't mean I can't put some nice joinery on it like that box. Is that spalted cherry?

Mark, just think about it a bit and you'll see it isn't too tough...I hope! :D

Joanne Adler
06-14-2004, 5:07 PM
Awww, shucks! I think Jim posted this pic just to get me to finally sit still long enought to register on the Creek (which I have been meaning to do for ages and have just gotten around to).

As many of you know, Jim and Alison are two of the nicest people you will ever meet. They are interesting and very pleasant to visit with. Jim is incredibly generous with his time, knowledge, and amazing shop full of increasingly amazing tools. Last year he graciously escorted me to visit a wonderful local wood supplier, helped me pick out some wood, and then even filled my Subaru with some of the poplar he milled right out of his own yard. Making a present to say thanks was my pleasure. I'm glad it came out so beautifully. It is nicely figured cherry (I don't think it's spalted) and Chris is correct--it is not all that difficult to do box joints on an angle. I have a wonderful jig I built (I think from Woodsmith or ShopNotes plans) to do the joints. I just precut the pieces on an angle (15º, if I remember correctly).

Thanks for the introduction to the Creek, Jim, as well as for your kind words.

Chris Padilla
06-14-2004, 5:26 PM
Welcome, Joanne!!! We need a little of the female persuasion on here to put us back in our places and right our ship!! :D

Joanne Adler
06-14-2004, 10:01 PM
Thanks, Chris. Don't worry, anyone here who knows me, knows I am hardly shy about opening my mouth with an opinion. But from what I've observed while lurking here, this is a pretty darn nice bunch of folks. I don't expect to have to send out too many cyber smacks. ;-)

Kelly C. Hanna
06-15-2004, 8:17 AM
I like the square bowl design...beautiful work!

Jim Becker
06-18-2004, 10:04 PM
Well...looks like someone came out of the woodwork (pardon the expression) while I was stoking up frequent flyer miles. 'Glad to see you joined up, Joanne. Stick around! We can learn something from you! :D

Tom Sweeney
06-18-2004, 11:19 PM
Welcome to the Creek! Beautiful bowl you gave Jim - but how did you get a bowl to look like that? All Jim's other bowls are round ;)