View Full Version : Toughest Project to date-Inside out Candlestick

Andrew Derhammer
12-13-2008, 10:13 PM
Hardest project to date for me. Black walnut and cherry base. Walnut chipped like a you know what. Had to file and hand sand. Used blue tape to hold together the upper portion while working on lower and vise versa. Few flaws in the lacquer finish,buffed. Need phototaking booth but i'm short on cash for that right now:o. (i know about the lacquer being sucked in at the endgrain on the inside, just putting ca to help it blend)

No project or form can be perfect, comments welcome, critiques are graciously wanted (you can't hurt my feelings by any comment/critique, fire away it only helps me on the next one.)

David Drickhamer
12-13-2008, 10:21 PM
Interesting design Andrew, I like it. Nice choice of wood too. (I got a can of Bullseye sitting on my bench too) :D

Maylon Harvey
12-13-2008, 10:31 PM
Like it Andrew. My "keg" of Bullseye is on the shelf.

Dean Thomas
12-13-2008, 10:51 PM
Bullseye is one thing, but how'd you get that can of green beans inside the candlestick?? :rolleyes:

Nice work. Maybe could have mirrored either the top in the bottom or the bottom in the top to give a bit more continuity? That's not the word...symmetrical, that's the word I'm looking for. Both the top and bottom are nicely designed, imo, but bringing the detail of the collar on the bottom that reflects the actual base quite nicely up to the top might finish the piece differently.

Critique, not criticism. It's a nice piece and the joins look good and come together where they should. Not always easy to accomplish.

Richard Madison
12-13-2008, 11:17 PM
Very nice piece Andrew. I do think the base distracts one from the I/O aspect of the turning, which is very well done, and would rather see a walnut base to match.

Bernie Weishapl
12-13-2008, 11:22 PM
Nice looking candlestick. I to would have made the base out of walnut.

Steve Schlumpf
12-13-2008, 11:42 PM
Andrew - it's been awhile since I've done any I/O turning and from what I remember the biggest challenge was to get all the joints to line up correctly. You did a great job! I like the form and will agree with a couple of others here that having the base out of the same walnut would unify the piece. Very nice work! Doing I/O turnings are a great way to get the imagination working overtime! Thanks for posting!

Leo Van Der Loo
12-14-2008, 3:55 AM
I do like the piece Andrew, loose the foot :eek: :D.

curtis rosche
12-14-2008, 7:02 PM
i assume this is a split turning, right? i just made one that is 3-3/3'' x 5'' christmas ornament thingy, from mahogany and wlnut, i hate the tearout from it. i se it looks like there is glue on the inside, happened with mine too. but i use epoxy not superglue. theres gottat be a better way to glue it up

Don Carter
12-14-2008, 7:17 PM
It looks good! I like it. How are liking that new lathe?
All the best.


Andrew Derhammer
12-15-2008, 4:14 PM
Thanks for the comments
It was hard to decide on the base, I went with the cherry because i wanted an offset from the walnut, the walnut I had was not thick enough to be able to make a base the cherry should darken in time and i'm hoping that lessens the contrast, also I had to keep the base wide for stability.

I use woodglue for the glue ups, I mentioned ca for the inside endgrain where the lacquer has been soaked up and it looks dry.

Couldn't be happier with the new purchase, it doesn't stall like the mini lathe!:D

Skip Spaulding
12-15-2008, 4:32 PM
Got to go with others, base the same maybe but if you like it then fine. I also have the Bullseye but in drawer. Have a great Christmas, Skip

Andrew Derhammer
12-15-2008, 4:34 PM
Forgot to add,
That bullseye is in the basement not the shop. My dad needs it for his tack driver.

Jim Becker
12-15-2008, 4:36 PM
Great job, Andrew. I do agree with the others that the base might have been better in walnut...or as an alternative, both the base and the top in Cherry. No matter. This is a very nice turning!