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View Full Version : Pen ? on mandrel

Jim Ketron
06-12-2004, 9:40 PM
Which one should I get?
do most mandrels fit other makes of kits(bushings)?
where do you buy kits/tools?

Jim Becker
06-12-2004, 11:36 PM
Generally speaking, it's usually best to use the mandrels and bushings from the same supplier as your pen kits if you can. There may be very minor differences, even though they purport to be the same size. This is especially true for the bushings that slip over the mandrel.

Jim Ketron
06-12-2004, 11:44 PM
Generally speaking, it's usually best to use the mandrels and bushings from the same supplier as your pen kits if you can. There may be very minor differences, even though they purport to be the same size. This is especially true for the bushings that slip over the mandrel.
Thanks Jim
What mandrel do you use? where do you get your Kits

Dennis Peacock
06-13-2004, 12:33 AM
Every single pen out there is either made on the "A" size mandrel or the "B" size mandrel. If you get BOTH mandrel sizes....then you have nothing to worry about. A lot of pens can be made with just the "A" mandrel. The Flat Top American, Roundtop Euro and a few others are made on the "B" mandrel. Or is it the other way around? :confused: Sheesh!!!! Now I'm getting confused.! :eek:

Any way, I just got BOTH of them and was done with it once and for all. :D

Andy London
06-13-2004, 7:05 AM
My son turns quite a few pens, our first mandrels (2) were given to him by a friend, but he has since managed to bend both, ever so slightly but in pen turning they have to be running pretty much perfect.

I bought him a new one from Lee Valley, you can actually buy just the shaft should you bend one with their model. I suspect places like Rockler and Woodwcraft have similar ones. Personally I would only buythis typs as it saves quite a bit.

I buy my kits from LV, Woodcraft if I am in the US on business. I've purchased some from home based websites out of the US and both resulted in a very unplesant experience.


Jim Becker
06-13-2004, 9:36 AM
What mandrel do you use? where do you get your Kits

I have a mandrel from Woodcraft, but haven't used it in a couple of years. That's why I didn't answer that part of your question...I primarily turn bowls, platters and vessels and only whip up a pen when some family member specifically requests one for a gift. There are many others here who regularly turn pens and can give you good advise, but Woodcraft, Craft Supplies, Penn State Industries and others sell the kits, mandrels and other necessary accessories you'll need.