View Full Version : Ebonized Oak

Tom Storey
12-13-2008, 4:39 AM
This form is about 7" across the top and lasted about 30 seconds after my daughter saw it. I did the vinegar rusty nail solution thing on it and it actually changed colour before my eyes! Quite dramatic. It was already finished sanded before the solution so I was able to touch it up with 600 grit after the water raised the grain.

Gerold Griffin
12-13-2008, 8:51 AM
Man that is to neat! I have heard of doing that to walnut and wondered about other woods. Like the form to. Good job, and keep up the great work, and have a Merry Christmas!!!

Jim Becker
12-13-2008, 9:49 AM
This form is about 7" across the top and lasted about 30 seconds after my daughter saw it.

What took her so long???? :D :D :D

Very nice piece--great coloration!

Steve Schlumpf
12-13-2008, 10:04 AM
Love the color! Will have to keep the process in mind for those times you want something just a little different! Nice work Tom!

Bernie Weishapl
12-13-2008, 12:26 PM
Tom that is to cool. Really like the color. What type of finish did you put on it after this was done if any?

Tom Storey
12-13-2008, 8:43 PM
Thanks for the comments folks. The final finish is spray-on gloss lacquer and wax. I thought that would compliment the 'ebony'.

Richard Madison
12-13-2008, 11:33 PM
Really like the ebonizing and finish. Can you show us a profile/side picture?

Leo Van Der Loo
12-14-2008, 3:24 AM
Nice job Tom :), I've done a couple, but left it like that, (no finish over it) and one that we kept has certainly lost some of its dark color, still looks nice just less dark.
I wonder if a finish would have helped to keep it darker ??
Oh and yes a profile shot would be nice :D

Tom Storey
12-14-2008, 10:26 PM
Here's a profile view

Richard Madison
12-14-2008, 11:19 PM
Cool. Thanks for the picture Tom. Reminds me of a spittoon, which some don't like. But I think it is one of the classics.