View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
12-12-2008, 8:16 AM
Friday December 12, 2008


13 days until Christmas!

Here we are, not even to the winter solstice yet, and I've had enough winter for this year. We got another 9 inches of snow Tuesday. That puts our total, of 17 inches, only an inch behind last years record breaking 100+ inches. There's something to look forward to.:rolleyes::( It's -2º right now, but at least it's clear. We got to see the full moon for a change and was it ever bright. With the snow cover the moon lit everything up almost as bright as the sun.

With the cold temps I don't think I'll be able to get into the shop again this weekend. Just takes too much propane to heat the place for a few hours. I really need to get the rest of my shopping done though, so maybe I'll do that this weekend.:rolleyes:

So what's up in your neck of the woods for the weekend? If you're in the south, maybe shoveling snow??:p:D:D Just kidding!!! I hope. Anyway, I trust you all will have a great weekend. Please make it a SAFE one also.


Jason Hanko
12-12-2008, 8:40 AM
Howdy Neighbor!
Im hearing you on the snow - altho I think we only got 8.5'' down here in Sauk City (about 15 miles away, for the uninitiated). Sure am glad I broke down and got a snowblower this year!
I am hoping to get into the shop and burn up some propane! Finished installing the the furnace in my shop last night, and there should be a gentleman here in ~15 minutes to do the final hookup and fire er' up for the first time! I may not even touch a stick of wood - I'll just sit in the shop and enjoy the fact that it's not at thermal equilibrium with the outside! :D

Michael Schumacher
12-12-2008, 8:54 AM
Weather wise - it's been cold here, but no snow yet. Next week is going to be much colder and making me wonder if biking into work is going to be possible Monday with -20 wind chills.

Weekend - well, my Son is going to have his first birthday tomorrow. So that is pretty much the weekend for me. Haven't had much shop time other than having to put up trim around windows.


Ken Fitzgerald
12-12-2008, 9:17 AM
1. Survive work today.
2. A few small turnings left to turn.
3. Pack for 2 week trip.

No snow here yet Karl but while I worked in a hospital 8 hours yesterday, the temperature took a massive drop. Snow is predicted between now and Monday.

JohnT Fitzgerald
12-12-2008, 9:24 AM
I hope to get somne shop time to cut up the stock for some frame/panels that will be the start of a desk project. But we just had some WILD weather here in New England - nothing like the snow you got, I'm sure, but we got lots of rain and in some areas lots of icing - trees down, power lines down, etc. We only got rain where I live, but had some big limbs come down (only casualty was the kids' swingset), so it looks like I'll be playing lumberjack tomorrow instead.

On the drive to work, in a span of 2 miles, it went from 61 degrees to 40 degrees, and then eventually down to 33 degrees within another few miles. Probably the fastest drop-off I've ever seen...

alex grams
12-12-2008, 9:24 AM
err. lots of crud, plus my brother is moving to my town, so him and his 4 yr old are staying with us for the weekend till they get their new place set up.

Other than that:
-Put up Crown Molding in the kitchen
-put in paneling in the kitchen
-drop the existing gas outlet about 6 inches in the kitchen
-finish cutting boards
-plant trees

and the list goes on and on!

Paul Greathouse
12-12-2008, 9:25 AM
We got our light dusting of snow here in Louisiana yesterday. My wife was out on the porch taking pictures before daylight. It all melted off by mid morning. For some reason we got the least of it in Lake Charles, the surrounding areas got quite a bit more than us.

This morning I'm going to try to finish my Christmas shopping. Then, this afternoon I'll work some more on the bathroom vanities I'm building for our master bath.

Tomorrow morning the second split of duck and goose season opens. My oldest son and I will be going but my younger son has to work, he's going to college and working a part time job at the one of the local small box lumber yards, so he hasn't had much time to hunt with us this season. It's really great when we can all three get togeather for a hunt though.

Matt Meiser
12-12-2008, 9:34 AM
Tomorrow Steve Sawyer, my daughter, and I are heading up towards Lansing to pick up a bunch of lumber and a few other things from a member of our club that's moving to California. Hopefully we'll also have time to stop at Johnson's (http://www.theworkbench.com) while we are up there. Sunday is my birthday and I have no idea what is planned. I still have some Christmas shopping to do and I'll probably have to do some work work since I have to visit a customer all week next week and I have a few issues to deal with for other customers.

Jim Becker
12-12-2008, 10:15 AM
No snow here, but nearly 3" of rain in the last day...

This will be largely an equestrian weekend...riding later today, lessons tomorrow and a show on Sunday. I may get into the shop to clean up after the tack trunk project so I can start whatever comes next when I have time, but it's unlikely that I'll get any woodworking done this weekend.

Joe Pelonio
12-12-2008, 10:21 AM
My goal is to make it home tonight, and hopefully to Bellevue and back Sunday. We are expecting 6-10" of snow over the weekend with temperatures down to 16F by Monday. I have an all day sign installation today in a downtown Seattle high rise, and another parking garage job Sunday morning that has to be done when there are no cars driving around.

If this happens as predicted I may have a lot of time at home early next week, since no one will be able to go anywhere with the snow/slush turning to ice, schools, stores and everything else usually shut down when it's that bad.

Mike Hess
12-12-2008, 10:25 AM
It's the office Holiday party tonight, then I'll be chasing whitetails across the Pennsylvania countryside tomorrow.

I'm hoping that I can get a few hours to work on turning a pair of wooden bowls on Sunday, but that's going to be about all.

Mike Heidrick
12-12-2008, 11:29 AM
Buddy wants a router table so I plan to help him with that. Going to help him repurpose some countertop or a desktop for a WP router plate and a 5625 from Mark at HeavyDutyTools! Man his prices this year on BF were AWESOME!

Anyway, I want to also build a Horserace game or two.

Dan Gill
12-12-2008, 11:56 AM
People all of a sudden decided they want to buy cutting boards (and a small book rack), so I have a ton of cutting, glueing, routing, and sanding to do. But I'm still going to go deer hunting tomorrow morning. There's a buck that has been teasing me all season.

chris yount
12-12-2008, 9:54 PM
I finshed up a shoe rack for the local homeless childrens shelter today.Then I had to install my mother in laws new dryer.I will be at work over the weekend.

Brian Effinger
12-13-2008, 12:06 AM
I've got to build a base for my new Woodpeckers router table. And make some progress on a rocking chair I'm building for my niece.

Don Bullock
12-13-2008, 8:32 AM
Snow? Oh, that's some white stuff that precipitates from the sky. We don't have much of that In Southern California.:D

I'm off this morning to the AKC/Eukanuba Championship Dog Show in Long Beach, California. Two of our basset hounds qualified this year. I'll be showing one and our co-breeder will be showing her brother. Tomorrow we're invited to celebrate Christmas early with some friends. We're not going to let the cold (in the 50s) and chances of rain dampen our fun.

Victor Stearns
12-13-2008, 10:10 AM
Oh the Snow! Not too much on the ground right now, maybe 3-4 inches. Still too much for me these days.
Hope to find a piece of wood in the shop to attempt my first coffin smoothing plane. If the practice piece works, then on to the real think. Already have one of Ron Brese's irons, what a pretty piece!
Notre Dame Hockey game later tonight and then more shop time tomorrow.

Bobby McCarley
12-13-2008, 12:56 PM
Well, I'm working the night shift this weekend so no shop time. After the freak snow storm on Thursday, I hope it's a quite time at work. People in Louisiana do not need to be on the road when it's snowing, period. I did manage to finish a project for my B-I-L. The handle on his Sgian Dubh, a Scottish kilt knife, broke and he wanted me to make another one for it. A first at a knife handle but was pleased with it, just hope he is.

Well, I hope everyone else has a good and safe weekend. If possible get a little shop time in.

Happy Holidays and have a Merry Christmas.


Joe Cunningham
12-13-2008, 2:50 PM
Cleaning up water in my basement. :(

Rob Coderre
12-13-2008, 3:02 PM
Entertaining some guests tonight then hopefully in the shop tomorrow after church to smooth out the glue-ups on the cutting board set I'm making for the wife. Luckily we didn't get he really bad weather that a lot of other folks got.

JohnT Fitzgerald
12-13-2008, 5:31 PM
yikes! good luck with that Joe - and good luck to everyone that had some sort of damage from the recent storms across the country. LOTS of people here in NE had flooded basements - a I called the local tool rental, and they were out of two things - pumps, and generators.

Jason White
12-13-2008, 5:54 PM
Well, had intended to get the rest of the siding on the house before it REALLY snows. But I've got the trots today, so it ain't gonna happen!

Friday December 12, 2008


13 days until Christmas!

Here we are, not even to the winter solstice yet, and I've had enough winter for this year. We got another 9 inches of snow Tuesday. That puts our total, of 17 inches, only an inch behind last years record breaking 100+ inches. There's something to look forward to.:rolleyes::( It's -2º right now, but at least it's clear. We got to see the full moon for a change and was it ever bright. With the snow cover the moon lit everything up almost as bright as the sun.

With the cold temps I don't think I'll be able to get into the shop again this weekend. Just takes too much propane to heat the place for a few hours. I really need to get the rest of my shopping done though, so maybe I'll do that this weekend.:rolleyes:

So what's up in your neck of the woods for the weekend? If you're in the south, maybe shoveling snow??:p:D:D Just kidding!!! I hope. Anyway, I trust you all will have a great weekend. Please make it a SAFE one also.


Jason White
12-13-2008, 5:55 PM
Then high tea with the queen?

No snow here, but nearly 3" of rain in the last day...

This will be largely an equestrian weekend...riding later today, lessons tomorrow and a show on Sunday. I may get into the shop to clean up after the tack trunk project so I can start whatever comes next when I have time, but it's unlikely that I'll get any woodworking done this weekend.

Joe Pelonio
12-14-2008, 2:21 PM
I was supposed to do an installation in an open-sided 4 level parking garage this morning.

I made what was a good decision to do that work last night. No way I'd want to go anywhere today. We ended up with about 6" of snow by 4am, I looked out the window after being awakened by high winds. Now it's down to less than 2" as it's been blowing around, and the sun has come out. It was 22F when I got up, now has warmed to 25 but still getting 30-40 mph winds. The roads are just covered with about 1/2" of solid ice. The fish pond has already frozen over. Last night I was pretty cold working at 32 but no wind and while it snowed, the roads were fine all the way there and back. Today I'm just watching some football on TV (despite the Seahawks terrible year) and resting.

Steve Rozmiarek
12-14-2008, 6:51 PM
You guys could share the snow...:D

Just got back from an overnight trip for shopping for the little wife, and a bit of blackjack time for me. On the way back from the kennel to retieve the dauchunds, the thermometer showed -13. Going to be a bit brisk this evening.

Just going to the shop now to roof a barn for my daughter. Fun project, but I think I may be taking it a bit overboard. Finished the drop siding a couple days ago. Need to figure out a system for the gates inside. The whole project has pointed out one thing though, Grex makes AWSOME pinners!

Curt Doles
12-14-2008, 7:23 PM
I've been working on a set of three clocks for Christmas presents, for a couple of weeks, I finally got them finished.

These are done from a plan available from Rockler and a couple other sources. I thought about mechanical vs quarts movements for these, but the mechanical movements I found were so expensive ($100+) and then you're winding them every week.

As always, I learned a few new tricks on this project.

These pictures were over 2 Mb, when I resized, I got way too agressive, apparently....


Anthony Whitesell
12-14-2008, 7:58 PM
for my power to come back on. I was thinking of hand tooling it for the weekend, but the 12"x18" basement window just wasn't enough light.

Due to the rain and ice storm here in the northeast, I lost power at 11:50pm Thursday night. By Friday evening the temperature in the house was down to 60 degrees, by Saturday it was down to 49 degrees. I drained all the water from the plumbing and heating on Saturday. It appears that power was restored just before midnight Saturday (almost exactly 48 hours without juice). When I arrived at the house on Sunday it was 42 degrees. Now at 8 o'clock, the house is just getting warm enough to wear long sleeve shirts and slippers.

My brother and parents (2 different houses) are still without power. My brother will probably be restored first as the issues appears to be neighborhood related, whereas my parents house is private (related only to the house). My parents power issue become private when the bucket truck clearing the lines torn them from their house!

But I did get an hour or WW done today. The red oak coffee table that had one coat of shellac, got sanded and tacked off. Ready for coat number two.

Jacob Mac
12-14-2008, 9:49 PM
I had my work's Christmas party, and then a bunch of household chores. But the highlight of my weekend was making a pinebox derby car with my son. We had a lot of fun working on it together.

Steve Rozmiarek
12-14-2008, 9:57 PM
You guys could share the snow...:D

Just got back from an overnight trip for shopping for the little wife, and a bit of blackjack time for me. On the way back from the kennel to retieve the dauchunds, the thermometer showed -13. Going to be a bit brisk this evening.

Just going to the shop now to roof a barn for my daughter. Fun project, but I think I may be taking it a bit overboard. Finished the drop siding a couple days ago. Need to figure out a system for the gates inside. The whole project has pointed out one thing though, Grex makes AWSOME pinners!

Hmmmm... Just shot myself in the thumb with the before mentioned Grex. Still think its an awsome tool, just need a better operator.