View Full Version : Lathe in full swing

alex carey
12-11-2008, 2:31 AM
I got my lathe back a week ago which I already posted about, but now my lathe is in full swing and I am back to my old self turning constantly. It's good to be back in the vortex. Here are three things I turned in the last few days. Comments and critiques more than welcomed.

The first is Ficus I recently picked up from down the street. The wood is really plain but turns really well. It was so plain I decided to burn a dark ring on the top to give it some flare. I am not sure if this was a good idea or not. What do you think? Its about 9 x 2.5

The second is 3.25 x 6 and the wood is unknown. I finished this one tonight and I decided to keep the pith even though it could crack. So far this wood has been pretty good though I usually keep away from the pith so this is risky for me.

The third is the same type of wood as the first. Unknown. Not much to say about this one. It is 2.75 x 5.5 and is finished with some general finishes salad bowl finish.

Hope you like.


Jon Lanier
12-11-2008, 3:50 AM
Way to go, those look like some really nice bowls.

Steve Schlumpf
12-11-2008, 8:40 AM
Nice bowls Alex! Really like the form on the second (unknown darker wood) bowl! Glad to see you back up and turning again! Have fun with it!

Jim Becker
12-11-2008, 8:51 AM
Nice work, Alex. Those forms look very good!

Bill Bolen
12-11-2008, 9:46 AM
Very nice Alex. 2and 3 are my favorites. I like the nice even curve top to bottom.Like the rim on 2 also...Bill..

Bernie Weishapl
12-11-2008, 11:12 AM
All three are very nice looking bowls. Glad to see ya back in the saddle.

Ron Lynch
12-11-2008, 6:01 PM
I vote for #3. Might your mystery wood be cherry? I've got a cherry bowl that loks a lot like 3 for color and figure.

alex carey
12-11-2008, 6:33 PM
No idea if its cherry or not. I can tell you that the wood was sitting in a bag for 8 months. I have pieces I turned weeks and a few months after it was cut down and the wood is very white. Is cherry like that. Does it get darker with time?
