View Full Version : Lathe Mobile Base Design

Bruce Lundgren
12-09-2008, 2:27 AM
Just purchased the Jet 1220VS (great lathe!) and will be building a mobile base (have a garage shop). Am thinking also about mounting my grinder to the right of it with draws below for turning tools and misc. lathe stuff as well as for sharpening stuff. Dimensions would be something like 54" long X 18"+/- wide X (haven't yet decided on height). I realize that I'll be limited to what I can store in it so plan on the most widely used items (the vortex has sucked me in). I plan to use the lathe primarily for small items (pens, bottlestoppers, etc.) and will be getting a larger lathe (PM3520B) in a few months for bowls so am not too concerned about vibration/stability.

Would love to see what others have designed for their midi lathe particularly turning tool storage. It occurs to me also that mounting the grinder that close would be a potential fire hazard so maybe would be better off keeping them separate.
Thoughts on design? Pictures would be a great help.

Thanks. Bruce

Jim Becker
12-09-2008, 8:11 AM
Many folks keep their grinder close to the lathe...in fact, since you use it every few minutes, that makes for convenience. But you need to consider weight-balance given you have a smaller, lighter lathe. One other design consideration...don't forget where your feet need to be. A base for a lathe needs to take consideration of that fact since you must have a balanced stance and freedom to move your whole body to turn effectively.

Gary Herrmann
12-09-2008, 11:15 AM
In this thread, I show pics of the one I made a couple years ago: Geronimo! (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=44960) The drawers below the grinder don't have bottoms so they don't collect dust. They have brackets to support the tools. The large one on the right has a bottom and holds misc small stuff.

Steve Schlumpf
12-09-2008, 5:06 PM
Bruce - I don't have a mini-lathe but wanted to jump on here and Welcome you to the Creek! Congrats on your new lathe! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for a stand!

Bob Noles
12-09-2008, 6:08 PM
Hi Bruce and welcome to the Creek.

Here is a thread that shows the one I made a few years ago and I found it to be very workable. Maybe you can take a few ideas from it in designing yours.


Bruce Lundgren
12-10-2008, 12:13 AM
Bob: Thanks for sharing your design. It's the basic layout I had in mind with perhaps some changes in draws, etc. to fit my needs.

Bruce Lundgren
12-10-2008, 12:31 AM
Jim: Good point about weight and balance consideration and thanks to both you and Steve for your kind welcome. Everyone here is so good about sharing their knowledge and experience. It's a great help and is much appreciated.
Gary: I had seen a design with an open bottom draw for tool storage but don't remember where. Terrific idea. Thanks

Jim Becker
12-10-2008, 9:40 AM
Bruce, one other comment...you'll want to include some way of leveling your base so it isn't racked while stationary. Floors are not always perfectly level/flat and even a minor twist cased by an uneven surface can bend your lathe's ways slightly, causing your spindles to be out of alignment. Really. This can be a major frustrating issue.

Bruce Lundgren
12-11-2008, 4:11 AM
Good point, Jim. Have read other posts in the past about leveling issues. Thanks