View Full Version : I Am One LUCKY GUY!!! (major gloat)

George Guadiane
12-05-2008, 12:27 AM
I have been discovered (again:D) and I'm still not rich from it, :( but it's still COOL!!!:cool:
The Albany Times Union publishes an upscale magazine Life @ Home... They contacted me 6 or 7 weeks ago to see if I would like them to do an article about me and my woodturning. I turned them down 7 times, but they

NO I DIDN'T, I accepted right away, but didn't say anything till it was published, just in case the interview went badly and they decided not to use it.
I have to say, the article is about as nice as a guy could hope for, and the pictures (http://timesunion.com/homes/photos/) are very well done!

This all came about because I was at a club meeting, then set up at a gallery I learned about at the meeting, fast forward a couple of YEARS and I got the call. It pays to get out there, and you never know when it's going to "turn" into something.

I encourage EVERYONE to take risks and let the world see your work.

Gary Herrmann
12-05-2008, 7:38 AM
Thats very cool, George. Congratulations. Well written article.

David Cramer
12-05-2008, 8:09 AM
Congrads George! That is outstanding and definitely something to be proud of. You are certainly a highly skilled woodturner! Keep up the great work. Life is :)good.


Jim Kountz
12-05-2008, 8:43 AM
George, the Pictures link didnt work for me but I think the problem is with The Times server, it just seems to sit there and not load. At least as of this writing thats what its doing. Maybe they'll get it going soon.

Bernie Weishapl
12-05-2008, 9:41 AM
I have the same problem George. It won't load. A big congrats to you and on the article.

Jim Becker
12-05-2008, 9:56 AM
Congratulations, George.

Joshua Dinerstein
12-05-2008, 11:58 AM
Congrats George! That is beautiful work! And the article aint half bad either. :)


Bill Bolen
12-05-2008, 12:27 PM
Great story George! You picked some realllly nice pieces for the photo's too...Bill..

12-05-2008, 1:01 PM
HEY congrats on the article. It's very well written!

Steve Schlumpf
12-05-2008, 2:25 PM
George - glad to see you get the recognition you deserve for your turnings! I've had a couple of photos of your work saved to my favorites folder for a couple of years now and you just keep getting better! Great article! Congrats and thanks for sharing!

jeremy levine
12-05-2008, 3:15 PM
Very cool.

George Guadiane
12-05-2008, 3:34 PM
THANK YOU EVERYONE, I feel like I just got voted prom king and my secret multimillionaire, long lost daddy just showed up to give me my new car for Graduating at the top of my class while spending my senior year skipping school and surfing.
As you will read, this is starting to get surreal.

Great story George! You picked some realllly nice pieces for the photo's too...Bill..
Funny, that - The pieces pictured were pretty much everything I had at home when the photographer came for the shoot (listen to that "industry talk":rolleyes:). I won some ribbons with those, and I've been keeping them. The rest are in a shop on the other side of the mountain, getting sold.

HEY congrats on the article. It's very well written!
I was VERY pleased with the article myself, not so much with my answers, but the questions seemed to play right to my thinking.

George - glad to see you get the recognition you deserve for your turnings! I've had a couple of photos of your work saved to my favorites folder for a couple of years now and you just keep getting better! Great article! Congrats and thanks for sharing!
Thanks Steve, There are LOTS of turners (you included) who are just as worthy, maybe not as lucky (YET)...


As if all of this wasn't cool enough, I JUST made a deal for five MAJOR turnings with a MAJOR NY City based International clothing + store... I have to stop everything to do it, because it's a RUSH - like pretty much everything in "the city" (more "industry talk":cool:) - when I get the deposit, I'll know it's real, and when I show the pictures of the work in the location, I'll say who it is.
I have to deliver 3 un-started pieces by Dec 22 and two more Jan 5ish, so I will be chained to my lathe for a while - (how cool is that).
What's REALLY weird is that these fantastic things seem to be unrelated. The store person found me on the internet... EVERYONE get a website and post pictures of your work, apparently, it helps.

Steve Schlumpf
12-05-2008, 4:01 PM
WOW George!!!

Looks like Christmas has come early at your house!! Congrats on the commissions! I hope it leads to many more! Enjoy - you've earned it!

Looking forward to seeing the finished pieces and hearing the rest of the story!

Don Orr
12-10-2008, 8:57 AM
I thought the article was pretty cool when Nancy sent it to Barb, but the pix did not come with it.

Now the NYC commission thing-OUTSTANDING !!! Man, you've been busy, and are going to get busier:D. Good for you.

I haven't been on the forums much lately, so I just found this today.

Congratulations and keep up the good work.

George Guadiane
12-10-2008, 2:29 PM
I thought the article was pretty cool when Nancy sent it to Barb, but the pix did not come with it.

Now the NYC commission thing-OUTSTANDING !!! Man, you've been busy, and are going to get busier:D. Good for you.

I haven't been on the forums much lately, so I just found this today.

Congratulations and keep up the good work.
Thanks Don, I AM SOOoooooooo Fortunate, to have gotten these breaks, and for my friends who have cheered me on.
The pictures can be found here (http://timesunion.com/AutoGallery/HomeDecorGaudiane.aspx?ref=http://timesunion.com/homes/photos/&Template=HomeDecorGaudiane.aspx&TOAd=HomeDecorGaudiane&Photo%20Date=12/10/2008&Photo=1&PhotoList=1314428&PhotoList=1314427&PhotoList=1314426&PhotoList=1314424&PhotoList=1314413&PhotoList=1314400&PhotoList=1314399&PhotoList=1314398&PhotoList=1314397&PhotoList=1314396&PhotoList=1314395).

Very cool.
Thanks Jeremy

Skip Spaulding
12-10-2008, 4:22 PM
George, The first time I tried the pictures wouldn't open, today, like magic they appeared! Great pics, nice article, great luck, enjoy the ride!! Looks like You are going to have a Very Merry Christmas! Skip

Gary Garmar
12-10-2008, 5:15 PM
George, I must say congratulations are in order. Very fine article and very nice turnings. Also, its good to be able to put a face with your posting(s).
Good luck with the commission work.