View Full Version : First hollow form Critiques requested

Mike Vickery
12-04-2008, 1:41 AM
All right folks this is my first hollow form ever. The wood is Mesquite and it is 7 inches wide by 5 inches tall. The collar is mesquite dyed black with artist ink and the finish in Minwax antique oil buffed with all three wheels.


All in all I am very happy with it as a first effort. However the basic form of the piece does not seem right on to me. Please feal free to critique, I cannot quiet put my finger on what I think is wrong.

Thanks in advance.

alex carey
12-04-2008, 2:00 AM
It's a great piece. The only thing i would change is making the bottom half a bit steeper so that the very bottom of the vase is like 3/4 an inch less wide. Just me though.

That is some great grain.

Norm Zax
12-04-2008, 3:13 AM
Only one thing wrong with that piece - way above standard for a first! Congrats on a job well done!

Bill Blasic
12-04-2008, 6:47 AM
You asked so here is my humble opinion. The transition from the bottom of the piece to the top portion looks to be a tad too sharp a little softening of that point would keep the flow better. At the bottom 1/4 of the piece at least in the picture does not seem to continue with shape that you started it seems to straighten out (curving nicely then straight). With that said you have still done a very nice job and certainly have nothing to be ashamed of, keep them coming.

Toney Robertson
12-04-2008, 7:27 AM

Looks good to me.

The only thing I see has already been pointed out. The curve going down the side does not seem to continue all the way to the base. Very, very minor thing.

I still have not done a HF. It is on my to do list.


Steve Schlumpf
12-04-2008, 7:42 AM
Mike - is it possible to see another side view and a view with a little more detail on the collar? It would help to evaluate the overall form.

First impressions - very nice work!

Jeff Nicol
12-04-2008, 8:20 AM
Mike, The piece is wonderful for a first attempt! What are it's dimensions and like Steve said another view would be helpful.

But for all that has been said the finish is great the wood is beautiful and I personally like the whole package! Every turning is looked at differently by each individual and some love them and some hate them, but to the person who walks in and falls in love with it, well that tells the tale!

Great job and keep challenging your self, allways more to achieve!


Jeff Nicol
12-04-2008, 8:22 AM
Mike, I looked back and see the dimensions! Had a long night and not much sleep. My bad shoulders don't like the single digit temperatures this fine day!

Great job again!


Jim Becker
12-04-2008, 9:46 AM
Mike it's quite nice as is. Your discomfort might be coming from the area of the shoulder between the "top" third of the form and the bottom 2/3. It seems a little more abrupt than it might be with some minor refinement--but I'm only working of a view from one picture and one orientation. Sometimes these adjustments are extremely subtle, but they make a huge difference, even subconsciously.

Bernie Weishapl
12-04-2008, 11:20 AM
Mike for your first that is a great piece. As far as changes go I would have transitioned a little more from the top to the bottom slightly and made the base smaller. Otherwise very nice first.

Andrew Derhammer
12-04-2008, 3:45 PM
I'd have lowered the top portion some (take 1/3 of it off), and a little flatter curve for it to give it some contrast to the bottom, i think the transition could be a little more pointed instead of rounded over, there might need to be a little bit of reduction of the curve of the bottom and possibly a smaller bottom.

Overall very nice craftsman ship.

Steve Busey
12-04-2008, 4:09 PM
I cannot quiet put my finger on what I think is wrong.

What's wrong is that you haven't shipped it to me!! :p

Great job - looks good to me! You sanded the inside to 12000 MM, right? ;)

Jim Burr
12-04-2008, 4:20 PM
Mike, that's a great piece. I really like the finish. Sign and date it and watch your skills grow, they don't need to grow much though...IMHO

Bruce McElhaney
12-04-2008, 4:43 PM
Looks great. It would be nice to see other views of it.

Jim Kountz
12-04-2008, 7:47 PM
Great piece Mike, I like it! Im probably not the most experienced voice on hollow forms since I have in fact NEVER turned one but when I look at it I feel as though it could have been lighter around the middle somewhat tapering more gentle then into the top if that makes any sense at all. I can see it in my minds eye but I know that probably doesnt help much not does it!

Skip Spaulding
12-04-2008, 9:16 PM
Looks great from here Mike, if you are happy with it then its perfect! I sometimes wonder how certain shapes, colors etc. become the norm? Wouldn't be much of a world if all of us had that perfect shape, color etc.!

Curt Fuller
12-04-2008, 9:22 PM
I sometimes wonder how certain shapes, colors etc. become the norm? Wouldn't be much of a world if all of us had that perfect shape, color etc.!
I was about to say about the same thing as Skip. I think Hollow Forms are about the most difficult thing to turn. There are always rules to shape and form but it's the pieces that break the rules that really seem to be eye catching. I just wish I could produce a hollow form this nice after all my umpteen tries at it.

Neal Addy
12-04-2008, 9:54 PM
That is one beautiful piece, Mike! Even more impressive being your first HF.

No critiques here. I like it. Let's see another!

Mike Vickery
12-05-2008, 11:09 AM
Thanks for the feedback and the advice guys. I think the some of you nailed what has been bothering me (to steep a transition). Like I said I was happy with it but I think it has room for improvement.

George Guadiane
12-05-2008, 3:41 PM
All in all I am very happy with it as a first effort.

Thanks in advance.
You SHOULD be happy with that, heck I'm STILL happy when I turn one that nice.
The form looks good to me... The wood always has a hand in how this stuff comes out. As your first, you have set the bar fairly high, but I hope you can feel better about the next one in spite of that (meaning I hope you see it as even better than this fine work).