View Full Version : Help me find it.

Paul Downes
12-04-2008, 12:11 AM
I seem to remember a Fine Woodworking article dealing with a flattening/stress relieving process for large slabs. Something to do with knocking the high spots off and letting the slab rest for a few days and then flipping it and doing the same to the opposite side. Anybody Have a better memory than me? I can't find the article in my stack of issues.

Danny Thompson
12-04-2008, 12:38 AM
Maybe issue #173 (November/December 2004) -- "Flattening Tabletops: Surface large slabs and panels without machines," by Rob Hare:


or issue #165 (September/October 2003) -- "Understanding Wood Movement: Proven methods for dealing with expansion and contraction" by Christian Becksvoort


or issue #5 (whenever that was) -- "Drying Wood: The fundamental considerations" by R. Bruce Hoadley:


Paul Downes
12-04-2008, 12:05 PM
Thanks Danny, The article I was looking for was the first one you mentioned.

I haven't built a slab table before, and my brother-in-law has just asked me to make one. I have a line on 2, 20" wide x 8ft. walnut slabs, 8/4 thick that should fit the bill. The asking price is $8 per brd ft and they are kiln dried. I have lots of birdseye maple suitable for butterfly wedges so I'm thinking about joining the slabs with those.

Mike Parzych
12-04-2008, 7:28 PM
No kiddin' - I'd be all over that for $8. I even know where Westphalia is - used to live in Grand Ledge!

Danny Thompson
12-08-2008, 5:21 PM
I'm in the middle of a slab table now. I looked at walnut, which was about $16/bf here. Woulda been nice. Best of luck.