View Full Version : Depth of cut on a 6" Freud dado blade set

Carlos Quintero
11-28-2008, 11:20 PM
I wonder if any one out there can enlighten me on a situation I am having with my 6" Freud dado blade set. I have installed it on my Delta TS350 and on my Craftman 10" radial arm saw and I cannot cut a 3/4" deep dado in a 2x4 with it. On my radial arm saw the bottom of the motor hits the 2x4 on the other side of the cut before I can achieve the cut; on my table saw, the blade won't go any higher the 1/2"!!

Am I doing something wrong on my table saw? I understand what is happening in my radial arm saw and there is nothing I can do about it but I can not understand why the blade won't lift pass 1/2".

Please help, this is driving me nuts....



Bob Genovesi
11-29-2008, 6:02 AM

It's all in the math.

Your tablesaw was designed to be used with, I'm assuming, a 10" blade. When you reduce the diameter you also reduce the maximum depth of the cut.

I have Freud's 6" Super Dado and have no problem cutting a 3/4 deep slot on my Jet contractors saw. As you can see they'll cut a slot over 1 1/4 deep.




Doug Shepard
11-29-2008, 6:26 AM
Take the insert plate out and raise the dado set up. Something doesn't sound right and I suspect you're hitting something. If you can raise it up to 3/4" or more, it's hitting something on the bottom of the insert (like maybe the big arbor washer?).

Carlos Quintero
11-29-2008, 11:43 AM
Thanks Doug,

I found the problem; one of the rubber washers that go under the incert fell while I was installing the dado set and landed in a place that kept the blade from going up all the way!!

Thank you for your suggestion.
