View Full Version : Buckeye Burl

Dan Oliphant
11-28-2008, 3:32 PM
This piece the the result of a challenge at our last AAW chapter meeting. When the Buckeye was raffled off, the member that brought it in challenged the winners (2) to create lidded boxes for the next meeting. This is my contribution.
The finial is walnut and stands 4" tall, the base is Buckeye Burl and stands about 3 1/2" tall by about 3" in diameter. The finish is lacquer, buffed.
All comments are welcome.

Jeff Nicol
11-28-2008, 3:35 PM
Dan, Great job on the lidded box! I have seen some large works done out of buckeye burl and some day I will have to break down and buy some to try! I wish it grew here in WI.


Bernie Weishapl
11-28-2008, 6:08 PM
Dan that is a beauty. Really like the wood, form and finish.

Eugene Wigley
11-28-2008, 8:42 PM
Dan, that looks great. I am new at turning wood. I can't imagine getting a top to fit like that. Thanks for posting it.

Dewey Torres
11-28-2008, 8:44 PM
It looks great! How did you do on the challenge?

Andrew Derhammer
11-28-2008, 8:49 PM
I swear it looks like there is a face in the second picture. Or maybe those CA fumes are getting to me!

Nice work!

Dan Oliphant
11-28-2008, 8:52 PM
Thanks for the kind comments.
Dewey, I won't know that until our next meeting in January.

Jim Becker
11-28-2008, 9:02 PM
Nice work, Dan. That buckeye has an almost "marble" look to it. 'Hope you fare well at the meeting... :)

Ken Fitzgerald
11-28-2008, 9:24 PM
Nicely done Dan! Let us know how you come out in the challenge.

Steve Schlumpf
11-28-2008, 10:17 PM
Nice work Dan! Nice combination of woods! Hope you do well in the challenge!

Jon Lanier
11-29-2008, 12:08 AM
That sure is pretty! Nice finish too.