View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's" Black Friday Edition

Karl Laustrup
11-28-2008, 7:27 AM
Friday November 28th, 2008


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends? :) We did. The whole family and a couple of friends enjoyed the day.

Of those of you who can still move, how many will be hitting the stores today for those "Black Friday" sales. Our Wednesday paper looked like a normal Sunday paper with all the inserts. :eek: Some pretty good buys, but no way I'm going shopping at 4 in the morning. Besides I'm still lethargic from yesterday.

All the kids and grandkids are down so there won't be much accomplished around here. I'm going out in a little while and see if I can get a fresh turkey to cook. We didn't even have any left for sandwiches yesterday. :( A 17+ pound bird and it was gone.

After a reasonable period of recovery from Turkey day, what's on your agenda for the rest of the weekend? I trust that it will be a good weekend for everyone. :) Please make it a SAFE weekend also.


Bob Genovesi
11-28-2008, 7:40 AM
Morning Karl!

Glad your Thanksgiving was a nice one. We did pretty well here and "grazed" for most of the day yesterday.

Since me and crowds don't mix well I'm staying away from most stores from now until Christmas with a few exceptions of course.

I do pretty damn well online and it gets delivered right to the door and for the most part free shipping and no sales tax.

Bobby McCarley
11-28-2008, 8:05 AM
Good morning creekers, Thanksgiving Day was good with plenty of food and family time. But this weekend, it's back to the old grind. Will be working all weekend so the wife will have to deal with the shopping crowds on her own. I'm not much on Black Friday anyways.

I hope everyone else has a good weekend.


Matt Meiser
11-28-2008, 8:29 AM
I'm planning to try to get the dresser finished by the end of the weekend. I have three more drawers to build and I need to make the top and drawer fronts. Plus lots of sanding.

Al Willits
11-28-2008, 8:45 AM
Thanksgiving day is sat for us, due to family that has to work, so Wednesday I took the boat out for the last time and Thursday I winterized it and put all the fishing stuff away.
Also got a few more sheets of styrofoam installed in the garage/shop so heating it this winter should few a few dollars less...I hope.

Hope everybody had a great time.


Ken Fitzgerald
11-28-2008, 9:31 AM
Clean the gutters....all the leaves are finally off the trees.....turn some Christmas presents.

I'm on call this holiday weekend. All the above is condtional as a result!

Jim Becker
11-28-2008, 9:48 AM
Hey, Karl...'hope that Turkey Day was great for you!!!

I'm beginning work on a tack trunk today (really...I'm going to be in the shop!!!) and will continue on that through the weekend when I'm not on the back of a horse or watching various daughters on the back of a horse...or feeding carrots to said horse... ;) In fact, as I write this, I'm about to leave to go pick up some 1/2" veneer plywood for that project since all I have in "inventory" is 18mm BB.

Jim O'Dell
11-28-2008, 11:46 AM
I'm working today. Was thinking about going to get a MSUV at Home Depot, but the tile saw won't be used for a while, so best to just wait, especially since they run it at 99 a couple times a year. So I will install the baseboard starting tomorrow morning, finish the threshold and install it Sunday am. Help LOML paint the crown molding, then start moving furniture back. Sunday pm we'll start decorating for Christmas, and the party next weekend. Jim.

Greg Cole
11-28-2008, 12:31 PM
I did all the cooking yesterday for 14 people, so I'm off the hook today... no running around with the women for deals of ANY KIND. The girls loaded up at 4 AM to start the day... :eek: Walmart isn't my kid of store at any hour, regardless of deals to be had.
My Black Friday purchase is a new compound bow & goodies..... and I'll spend the afternoon flinging arrows. The weekend will have a little shop time and some late season bow hunting scouting after the family obligations are met, that is.

Cheers and be well.


Steve Rozmiarek
11-28-2008, 2:06 PM
Hi Karl,

I must be getting older or something, the turkey hangover is still hanging around. Huskers and Colorado this afternoon and as Pelini has the Huskers slowly turning into a team agin, I'm going to watch that. Family over again.

Might fire up the shaper later. Not really to build anything, just goof around. 7 new cutters, a new power feeder, and I haven't tried the shaper on the Felder yet.:D

Hope to get started on some cabinets for the shop through the rest of the weekend.

Have a good weekend, Steve

Andy Pedler
11-28-2008, 2:37 PM
With my wife having taken the kids to her folks' place to play with the cousins who are in town for the holiday (and likely to do some shopping as well), I was out in the shop earlier than normal working on the bunk bed project.

I was chiseling out a mortise for one of the rails when the chisel slipped and found my left thumb! Ouch and a half! That was about an hour-and-a-half ago, and the bleeding has been stopped for a while now. After getting a fat bandage wrapped around my thumb I wandered back out to the shop. Plenty of reminders of the event, but nothing on the workpiece, so I guess I'll have to think of another way to put my signature on the work.

Now I'm questioning my logic in putting a set of waterstones on that Christmas list! This would have been a lot worse if I had sharp tools. :rolleyes:

Be careful out there and have a great weekend!

Andy - Newark, CA

Anthony Whitesell
11-28-2008, 3:34 PM
The funny thing is that at a certain point, sharp tools cuts skin less than dull ones. Most of the time you're cutting something harder than your skin. If the tool is dull compared to the workpiece, it is still sharp enough to cut your skin. With the dull tool you have to use more force to cut the workpiece, then when you miss that extra force is translated into the size of the cut on your finger. If the tool was sharper, you would use less force, and therefore when you miss the cut on your finger is smaller.

(Years ago, my teacher in high school shop class did the experiment with kielbasas)

Anthony Whitesell
11-28-2008, 3:48 PM
I only found a few small items that weren't on sale regularly for the same price, so I bailed on waking up at 4am in below freezing weather.

I finally got the lumber rack finished. The wall space where the rack is, used to have oddly spaced 2x4s and no sheetrock. I modified the plans from the Wood site. Being below the centerjoist of the house (triple 2x8), I made studs and spacers of 2x6s. The non-stud side is a resawn 2x6 (using my spiffy new bandsaw). I assembled it on the bench and recut the 'beams' to the proper width flush with the triple 2x8. I put up 1/2 sheetrock on the other side for the finished wall look.

The only snafu I ran into was the fact that the centerjoist over head was level but the floor was not. Of course I based everything on measurements from the bottom of the studs, so arms aren't perfectly level. But pretty close.

And it's only Friday. How am I doing so far?

Oh yeah, and there's the new G0490 jointer too.

Bill Houghton
11-28-2008, 6:24 PM
Clean the gutters....

My, you know how to have a good time!

Fred Voorhees
11-28-2008, 6:33 PM
Clean the gutters

Did that two weeks ago. In fact, the North facing gutters had a nice bottom layer of about a half inch of ice in them....making for a very difficult time. Here I was - up on an eight foot ladder with a heat gun in one hand blowing on the bottom of the gutters and a stick in the other, prying up pieces of ice as they came loose. All of the darned overtime that I have been working has me paying a price around the house as things have gotten really backed up. This weekend will find me - unfortunately - deferring to SWMBO and going through the annual drudgery of hanging christmas lights. Also, I hope to get the new Toyota Tundra to a garage for a quick oil and filter change after its initial break in period. The remnants of a walnut tree that I had sawn into lumber this past summer is still hanging around and I have to clean that up before I can order this years load of firewood - hope to get to that this weekend also. And if that stuff isn't enough, I have two cubby type cabinets that I have to finally finish up for our sons home.