View Full Version : Steel City Lathe-any good?

Wayne Leach
11-26-2008, 8:55 PM
Hi All,
I need a small lathe for my 5th wheel for when I am down south for the winter.
I saw the 10" Steel City VS lathe and wondered if anyone has experience with this before I commit to purchasing it?
Thanks for any info.

Bill Bolen
11-26-2008, 10:38 PM
From all the reveiws I have read the vs is a great little machine. However the standard belt change model has to high of a low end speed. I'm looking at getting a second late (mini) and this one is at the top of my list too...Bill..

George Heatherly
11-27-2008, 12:02 AM
I've had one of the Steel City VS mini lathes for over a year. I have found it to be a good machine. I mostly turn pens, it is great for that. I've done a few larger pieces, they have revealed that it is not very powerful. I've also had trouble with the switch since it was new. Overall, I'm glad I bought it.

Jeff Nicol
11-27-2008, 8:48 AM
I have one of the VS models and I like it just fine! It is quiet and a nice looking little machine! It will do a good job as long as the tools are sharp and you don't try take to deep of a cut. For the price it is hard to beat!

Good luck!


Steve Mellott
11-27-2008, 9:35 AM
I've owned this lathe for about 6-8 months. Use it for pens, bottle stoppers and other small objects. For the price (app $250), it can't be beat.


Wayne Leach
11-27-2008, 10:14 AM
Thanks to everyone and Happy Thanksgiving.
I will probably order one tomorrow as I need something to do for the next 4 months. I have a Jet 10" non VS at home and hope this new one will have the same power.
Best regards,

Dean Thomas
11-28-2008, 5:11 PM
Same as with any smaller version of larger tools. Do projects that actually fit the machine and take cuts that are appropriate to the power.

Really sharp tools help a lot, too. Sharp tools, thinner cuts and more of them will get you done in just about the same amount of time as on a more powerful machine. It will also get you done a LOT faster than stalling often and waiting for the machine to come back up to speed. :)